


(2012-02-03 20:32:24) 下一個


前言:人生就是一張單程列車, 隻有向前。人到中年,曆經多事,我常常覺得自己到了40幾歲才明白許多道理,內心才一天天更新。聖經裏的雅各書,教給我如何做一個成熟的人。你如果沒有讀過,不妨讀一讀。


下麵這篇文章,是一個24歲的年輕人寫的, 摘自譯言網。

This post is dedicated to all you people out there who are struggling with bitter sweet agony of growing up. I hope it gives you something to think about.


John Mayer and the train that can never stop

John Mayer和一列永不停息的火車

If you follow me on Twitter you will probably know that I am a fan of John Mayer. John is one of those rare artists that has an innate ability to put certain life situations into words. In fact, before I started listening to Mayer I would have argued that many of these emotions, desperate mental dramas and secret inner quandaries were unable to be described in ordinary language. They are simply too experiential to be categorized.

如果你在Twitter上關注過我的話,你可能知道我是John Mayer的一個粉絲。John是那些擁有將特定生活轉為文字天賦的少有藝術家之一。實際上,在我開始關注Mayer之前,我一直都覺得許多的情緒,絕望的精神戲劇,還有神秘的內心困惑都不能夠用普通的語言進行描述。因為它們非常簡單,太具有經驗性而不可以被單純歸類。

But John manages to. John reconnects me to those mental places with his lyrics. He does it time and time again. And although I am desperately trying to avoid these emotions (because they hurt), I find myself listening to Mayer again and again because it reminds me I am not unique. These emotions are, for the most part, universal to all humans. I have to thank John for that.


One John Mayer song that is not particularly critically acclaimed or even well liked amongst his fans is called Stop This Train. It is a song that, whenever I hear it, sends me back to that terrifying place of knowing that, really, we are alone growing up in this world. But, at the same time, it connects you with a feeling of hope because you aren’t the only one in that situation.

John Mayer有一首叫做《停下這輛列車》的歌,這首歌並不特別批判地稱讚,甚至都在粉絲中不那麽受歡迎,卻是一首,無論什麽時候我聽到,都會將我拉回真正意識到自己正在這個世界上孤獨地成長的可怕境界。但是,與此同時,它也以一種希望的感覺將你連接,因為同處這一狀況的並不單單隻有你一個。

I ask everyone reading this post to watch an incredible solo performance of John singing this song here while taking a look at the lyrics here. Take five minutes out of your day to experience this song and everything it means to you because it gives this article a lot of context.


Crying, driving away in the dark


There comes a point in everyone’s life when they realize there is no turning back. In the song Mayer uses the metaphor of driving away from his parents house, crying, in the dark. We have all had that moment. It might have been when you moved out or when you realized that you could beat your dad at table tennis. For a lot of people it manifests as an extremely empty and hollow realization.


The interesting thing is that some people are more equipped for this moment than others. Some people shut down and start to compensate for this lost youth in negative ways. Others embrace it and look forward to the future. Some people do both. But this moment is pivotal because it is the start of your adulthood. How you deal with this moment has a lot to do with whether you ever really grow up at all – and a lot of people don’t.


How to move forward and grow up


I am not professing to have all the answers. I still struggle all the time with the idea that I am no longer at home with my mum eating her cooking and asking her for $10 to buy lunch with. I still struggle with the fact that she is going to die one day.


But since my conversation with that Buddhist Lama I have made some headway. I am stepping out on my own more and I am starting to enjoy it. Here are some tips on how to grow up well. Tips on how to drive away in the dark knowing that you are going to make it.


1. Accept it as soon as you can

1. 盡可能快地接受它

Something you are going to need to do eventually is accept that there is no going back. You will have to accept this to grow up well. You can put it off or you can stand up tall and do it now. There is never any going back to the old days. The old days are like a dead person and you cannot revive a dead person no matter how much you long for them.


I encourage everyone who is struggling to grow up to accept fact that the past is gone and it is never coming back. Move forward. Its all you have.


2. Give up the memory reliving

2. 放棄回憶複活

If you are a healthy adult who has dealt with the growing up process well then there is nothing wrong with a little nostalgic reminiscing. But if you are buying sports cars, having affairs, trying to relive your youth or struggling with the depression of getting old then these memories can drive you mad. You need to give them up.


One of my worst traits is that I think to much. This inability to quiet my mind was one of the main reasons I was struggling to grow up. I would constantly play out the old days in my head, wishing, praying that I could go back to high school when things were simpler. But after I was gently told to “grow up” by my teacher I decided that it was time to leave these things behind and move on. And I have never been so happy.


The best way you can do this is by starting to become a little better at mediation. You don’t have to sit on a cushion and close your eyes but you do have to start becoming friends with your mind. Learn to watch your thoughts. Learn how they arise and subside without leaving any trace at all. When you do this they cease to control you.


3. Find out the cause

3. 找出原因

Often the pain associated with growing up can be linked to something else. Why are you feeling like this? Why are you missing the old days? If you can find another cause you might be able to get on top of those feelings.


For example, if you are really stressed because you think your wife is cheating on you then, undoubtedly, you are going to be longing for the old days where life was more simple. In this situation it isn’t the growing up that is causing the problem, it is some ancillary factor. Find out what is bringing these thoughts up and deal with it as soon as possible.


4. Don’t recreate

4. 不要重複過去。

Trying to recreate the old days by going out with your mates all the time, skirting your responsibilities to your family, etc. is not going to solve the issue. A lot of people (men in particular) deal with the issue by not dealing with it. It is tempting here to grab you by your shirt collar and shake you while yelling, “Grow the F up man!” But of course that wouldn’t help.


We need to have a sense of honor in these situations by accepting the fact that we aren’t dealing with the problem very well. Trying to recreate the good ole days is not useful, nor will it make you feel better. As soon as you get in the cab to go home you will be back to that empty space. Recreating is living in the past and the past is a dead person. Remember?


5. Find good company

5. 找到好夥伴

You are shaped in a big way by the people around you. If you are surrounded by 30 year old men who still wear their school jackets and go out drinking every night then you are going to go down with them. If, however, you hang out with people who are making progress, living and really trying to better themselves then you too will begin to move forward.

很大程度上,你周圍的人影響著你的成型。如果你常和一群30歲了,卻還仍舊穿著校服每晚喝的醉醺醺的老男人 出去鬼混,你就會逐漸受到他們的影響。如果,不是這樣的話,你和一些經常進步,而且真正去提高自己的人在一起,你就會開始也提高自身。

Finding good company is a massive part of growing up. It is a stark and bitter day when you realize that most of your buddies from high school are assholes and that you need new mates. You feel extremely alone. You have to find new people. But you will. And when you do you will be so much better off. Of course not everyone’s buddies from school are assholes. But a lot of the time they will hold you back because, as a group, you can just stay alive in the past.

尋找好夥伴是成長中一個很龐大的部分。但你意識到你大部分高中時候的好朋友都是混蛋而你此刻需要新的夥伴的時候,真的是到了很鬱鬱寡歡而且荒涼的時刻。你感覺極度地孤單,你必須要找到新的夥伴。但是你一旦這麽做了,一定比現在這樣好多了。當然了,並不是每一個人學校裏的夥伴都是垃圾, 但是絕大部分時間他們會牽絆你,因為作為一個群體,你隻能在過去的時光裏栩栩如生。

6. Understand that things change

6. 明白事事變遷

When the 16th Karmapa was on his death bed his students asked him to sum up his life’s experience and wisdom into one small teaching. After a brief pause he turned to them and simple said, “Things change”.


These two words are the quintessence of growing up. These two simple words summarize everything that you need to know about life. Things change and when you fail to grasp that truth you suffer. Nothing lasts and nothing stays the same. Embrace that chaos and find some peace by letting go.




So you have two options. You can fight to stop the train or you can go with it. As corny and cliche as it sounds, you really have to learn how to cope because there is no going back. Your youth is gone and all you have is now and, if you are lucky, the future. Have you grown up yet?


If you have any advice to give anyone or if you yourself have struggled with growing up please leave a comment and share your experience. It might really help someone.
