周末和老公去看Les Misérables. The movie describes a binary opposition relationship between Grace vs. Law . 電影裏好幾個情節讓我忍不住的狂流淚 , 黑暗中到處都聽到那種流淚後輕輕的吸氣聲 .
Valjean 偷了church 的東西逃走被抓住, 他就騙警察是 Bishop送的, 警察不相信抓他去church. But the Bishop responded warmly "that's right, but my friend u left so early, surely something slipped your mind, u forgot I gave these also, would u leave the best behind? So, Messieurs, u may release him, for this man has spoken true, I commend u for your duty and God’s blessing go w/ u "
After the constables leave, the bishop addresses to Valjean "but remember this, my brother, see in this some higher plan, u must use this precious silver to become an honest man, by the witness of the martyrs, by the passion and the blood, God has raised u out of darkness, I've bought your soul for God!"
The bishop’s act of mercy changes Valjean forever and he spends the rest of his life showing grace to others, his new life was purchased by the kindly Bishop. But if the Bishop 報複Valjean 讓他坐牢, 就會直接把Valjean 的心永遠變成冷漠仇恨的石頭, 以後的故事就會完全2樣了. 因為沒有人生來就是壞人做壞事, 也許因為窮, 生病, 缺少愛和關心, 所以去騙去偷去搶.
感動情節 2:
女工Fantine 悲傷又滿懷希望的唱"I Dreamed A Dream"--- I dreamed a dream in times gone by, when hope was high and life worth living, I dreamed that love would never die, I dreamed that God would be forgiving, then I was young and unafraid, and dreams were made and used and wasted, there was no ransom to be paid no song unsung……..
為了養小孩Fantine 去賣頭發(代表美麗) 和身體(代表尊嚴), 也許隻是最偉大的母愛才會為了孩子放棄自己的1切, 當她在最軟弱無助的時候仍然對未來懷有夢想. 不知為什麽, 我突然就想到Susan Boyle from “Britains Got Talent”, 當她站在台上說出自己夢想時, audiences & judges 都表現scornfully 表情, 滿場掌聲和歡呼聲響起, 直到她美妙的歌聲.
這個世界多數的人都用外形或表麵的東西去judge 別人生命的價值, 其實不管再醜再窮再笨再沒有知識的人都會有屬於自己的夢想, 也許那個夢想很特別也很遙遠, 也可能不被別人理解或接受, but so what? Just remember never let your fears stand in the way of your dream, find your life purpose and follow your own path, keep smiling, keep dreaming, keep flying, nothing is impossible b/c u are your own hero!!!
Éponine獨自走在下雨的街頭, 傷心的唱"on my own "---pretending he's beside me all alone , I walk with him till morning, without him, I feel his arms around me, and when I lose my way I close my eyes , and he has found me… I love him but only on my own ..
Éponine明知道自己深愛的Marius 喜歡剛遇到的Cosette, 卻給他地址讓他們再次相見, 又擔心的偷偷跟著, 直到看到Marius 和Cosette 的愛意, 才傷心的獨自走在雨中, 最後還死在Marius' arms at the barricade. 也許這就是那種最無私的愛 "我愛你, 所以我希望你過的很幸福快樂, 就算你沒有站在我身邊!" Samantha Banks 不愧是professional singer, 她把那種掙紮複雜的心情唱的很完美, 也把我感動的淚流滿麵. Somehow, 那個讓我永遠都不會忘記的溫柔微笑突然就從心底跳出來, 我現在生活的很好, 希望你也是.....
感動情節 4:
Cosette 和Marius 在街上遇見, and then fall in love at first sight. Cosette 深情的唱" I saw him once"--- Then he was gone, we were like dreamers at night, who meet as in a trace, then part again! Two phantoms in the shadows of the moon, can people really fall in love so soon? Marius 很溫柔的唱" in my life"----In my life she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun and my life seems to stop, as if something is over and something has scarcely begun.
再次見麵的夜晚, 他們隔著鐵門深情對唱" A heart full of love" ----a heart full of song, I'm doing everything all wrong, Oh God, for shame, I do not even know your name, dear Mad'moiselle, won't u say? will u tell? a heart full of love, no fear, no regret, my name is Marius Pontmercy, and mine's Cosette . Cosette, I don't know what to say, then make no sound...... I am lost (Marius ) I am found (Cosette)
熟悉的感覺, 熟悉的氣氛, 熟悉的表情, 不同的場景和對話, 但是同樣美麗的相遇, 雖然你現在就握著我的手, 坐在旁邊陪我看電影, 但我還是要靠在你的肩膀默默的說--- 感謝上帝讓我們相遇相愛相守, 擁抱愛情的感覺真好!
感動情節 5:
Marius 傷好後回到以前的房間, 看到滿地破碎的桌椅卻看不見以前1 起戰鬥的朋友, 他悲傷又痛苦又 guilty 的唱" Empty Chairs At Empty Tables"--- there's a grief that can't be spoken, there's a pain goes on and on, empty chairs at empty tables, now my friends are dead and gone, here they talked of revolution, here it was they lit the flame, here they sang about tomorrow, and tomorrow never came... ... Phantom faces at the window, phantom shadows on the floor , empty chairs at empty tables, where my friends will meet no more ?
Marius唱的讓我止不住的狂掉淚, 腦袋馬上就跳出在非洲生活的時光, 30 個陌生人為了追尋心中的美好夢想來到陌生的非洲, 在那裏大家共同經曆痛苦分享快樂, 成為那種生死與共的隊友, 曾經以為我這輩子都無法跟那29個人分開了, 可是當我們結束服務回到美國後, 不知道為什麽, 多數的隊友卻選擇不再聯絡......
每次當我翻看放在ipad裏的照片, 心情都會像Marius 那樣複雜又傷心, 每張照片都能讓我想起大家1起經曆過的故事, 照片裏的笑容都是那麽的開心和明亮, 我好像還能清楚的聽到那種發自內心的快樂笑聲, 可是卻沒有1個人站在我的身邊, 難道這些照片就是記錄我們友誼的最後證明? 不知道什麽時候才能再次見到你們, 我親愛的隊友們?!
回家路上, 和老公討論電影情節和演技, 我說" 演員太曆害, 哭的好自然". 老公說"還是導演曆害, 他隻在演員麵前放幾個切開的onion , 大家的眼淚就自動流出來…" 電影留給我的那種淡淡的sadness 馬上就被他搞笑的回答踢走了, 我就開心的哈哈大笑, 不知道的人還以為我們看的是comedy….
無論我處在哪1種情緒裏, 老公永遠都有辦法讓我馬上就開心大笑. 所以我要繼續聽他的笑話, 就算偶爾不小心講了重複或老舊的笑話, 我還是照樣喜歡!
我對Les Misérables 很熟悉是因為讀中學時, 曾經參加了學校 concert 演過角色……可是老公看了當年的 video 後, 竟然鬱悶的說找不到我的身影. 我就小小聲的說, 其實我就是那種在大合唱裏的路人, 再加上黑頭發淹沒在周圍大片的黃頭發中, 如果不睜大眼睛連我自己都快找不到啦, 哈哈哈……