
Proud mama of 3, the little sweet pea is on her way~

田鼠妹Ghana追夢70天 ---4

(2012-07-03 15:10:24) 下一個


我們在service center會合後,就向部落的village走去.到了路口看到幾排土牆和幹草屋頂的小屋,很像電影lord of the ring--little creepy guy's house, 草屋有圓也有方,亂亂的排列著.

有個topless小孩站在不遠處看著我們,手和腳很瘦貼著骨頭但肚子鼓的像球感覺就是typical的營養不好,我就忍不住低叫"Jesus,somebody get that kid a sandwich!""welcome to Africa~" Shawn揮手大聲的說,隊友們都笑了. 我們跟小孩say hello他卻跑了,馬上就有1堆小孩跑過來對我們笑,很快就聽到陣陣鼓聲從遠處傳來.人也越來越多,有男的有女的有小孩有老人,大家都圍著我們笑眯眯的.

Tribal welcome dance開始了! 鼓手們打鼓,5個女生穿著部落服拿著白/藍手巾,光腳跳舞,表演了10分鍾後,她們開始邀請我們加入,Finally! 大家就圍著大圈手拉手學跳部落舞. 好奇怪,平時我可以很輕鬆的不停跳舞60mins但在這裏跳幾下就感覺有點喘氣.後來慢慢找到原因是太悶熱了又沒有AC. 平時走路都會消耗大量體能和汗, 所以當地人走路做事都很慢.

儀式結束後,Tribal chief很熱情的邀請我們吃中餐.4個部落媽媽拿4個大鐵盆放在桌上,看不清是什麽,反正都是湯,有紅有黃有綠 very greasy. Local staff說這是banku & fufu w/ chicken, fish, pork etc., 當我們站著等盤子叉子時,the chief猛的伸手到湯裏撈東西吃給我們看,原來在這裏都是用手抓的.我馬上找出hand sanitizer,沒想到還沒開始檫,就有很多白手飛快的伸進盆裏,隊友們都很努力的表現要容入當地文化的樣子,隻有我和Erica很hesitated…

Shawn偷偷的在旁邊說,你們再不伸手, 裏麵就隻剩下大家的手毛了. Erica馬上就像瘋了的閃電伸手.如果不吃太無禮了,我也隻好拚啦! 抓了塊軟軟的很粘的東西, 馬上吞下也不知道是什麽, 又鹹又辣又酸, 還有怪怪的氣味. 陽光下,大家臉紅紅的吃到流淚, 手上流著油水卻不忘很客氣的大聲讚歎:delicious, 部落人聽到後都很高興笑了…

下午,每個team跟著隊屬的local staff到各自的服務區熟悉環境.因為部落人住的很分散,所以每個服務區也很分散,工作日幾乎碰不到其他隊友,隻有周末出去玩才會見麵.

我也看到了隔天上課的學校,教室真的很挑戰我的想像,是幾排鬆誇誇的土牆和鐵皮屋頂的房子,很舊也很破, 感覺大風吹就會馬上倒了.Local staff說在部落的中心地點, 其他的team正在造全新的石頭牆的新學校.

我們要按Ghana教育局規定的text book教課但可以外帶協助教材.下麵是我的syllabus:

PRIMARY 5 ENGLISH - Curriculum excerpts:
1.Help the pupil develop the basic language skills of listening, speaking, reading & writing.
2.Interact with the students
3.Listening to poems/rhymes
4.Listening to instructions, story-telling, conversation, drama,
5.Anomalous finites (modals: must, have to, should, ought to, need to)
6.Adverbs of more than one word, prepositions, adjectives, direct and reported speech
7.More about quantifiers (some, any, few, a few, little, a little, many, much, both, all, a majority, the majority)
8.Idioms and idiomatic expressions

JUNIOR HIGH MATH - Curriculum excerpts
1.Develop the habits of diligence, perseverance, confidence and precision as a result of their mathematical training.
2.Develop basic ideas of quantity and space, use basic mathematics and necessary strategies for solving problems encountered in daily life by recognizing relationships between numbers
3.Reason logically by selecting and applying criteria for classification and generalization, communicate effectively using mathematical terms and symbols.
4.Use appropriate instruments for various systems of measurement. Carry out investigations using various mathematical ideas and operations.
5.Numeration systems, Linear equations and inequalities, Angles, Collecting and handling data, Rational numbers, Geometric constructions.
6.Shape and space, Algebraic expressions, Number plane, Properties of quadrilaterals, ratio and proportion.

我們有4個教課工在部落的學校工作, 住serivce center的Edwin和Cindy教小學1--4 English. Shawn教初中英文和小學1--4的普及數學. 因為學生太多了, 教室不夠,很多班級都分成2~3班,我教的英文和數學各分成2班. 每天我要為4個班各上2堂課, 每班有30+學生, 每節是40mins, 午休是2hrs, 從周1到周5. 我們要按規定詳細的記錄教課工作筆記, 10周後傳遞給下1任的volunteer.


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