
Travel to DECA

(2012-10-17 13:47:56) 下一個
Last Saturday my son went to Utah for National DECA competition. When we arrived at the airport, he found a music contest was taking place in a big hotel inside the airport. To his surprise, son found his friend; a junior boy went in piano competition. So he let me wait in the hall and he asked the friend to find the officer. He learned that the string contest would be tomorrow. Later he was glad to tell me he is going to register for the National contest in July, it’s in our city so he could save travel and hotel fee for me.

Waiting for the check-in for the airplane, son smiled to me:“ would you do those things for me? Contact my violin teacher to register this national contest; Contact Mr. Lee to ask about my Eagle project. Call my school to ask absence on Monday and Tuesday. Make an appointment on May 1 for my summer volunteer health screening.”

My first response was almost jumping out:“No! Too much! I can’t remember!”
No wonder he smiled to me, could you believe this morning he was mad to me, “Leave me alone!” Never organized boy could be able to think of so many, amazing! But God knows, I had reminded him for Eagle project everyday, at least for two weeks!

I countered back gently, “how about you call what you can right now? I will call the rest on Monday and Tuesday.” His DECA teacher was smiling and watching us, he had to agree. After several calls, he told me to screen music and send to his violin teacher today. Never let his mom relaxed!!!

Before he left, we applied a debit card for him to train his organization on money. He doesn’t have any idea about money. Either spend all, or lost, or paid for friends. After he arrived at Utah, I kept checking his account every day.

The first dinner $ 7.88, not bad…..
The second day lunch $3.98, unbelievable!!!
The second dinner $17.32, is it a celebration?

I was wondering, his phone came in. “we went o Mexico Restaurant tonight! I need to buy a DECA laser cloth, $75!’”

“Is it necessary? We’ve paid $900 for tickets and hotel!” I only put $100 in his account. They are living in Hilton now and eating $10 breakfast buffet.

“Never mind!” he hung on. See, no more words to mom, except to ask for help!
Ten minutes later, he called back with pride, “I borrowed a new one from a senior. I may pay a little if I want. He won’t use again and I can use for two more years!” Naughty boy, he knows we always pay for him eventually so he made his decision. What can I say?

Although mom promised to call his school, unfortunately I forgot on Monday. Until school called back, I had to apologize and made up the rest calls. Life is busy enough for us……

In the last day, he was proud in the phone,“I made top 10 in the nation!”

Mom was excited and greedy, “Good boy! You don’t waste my money! Do you have more rounds? Can you make top 5?”

No answer, he hung on!

Last call was in airport, “pick me up at 11:30 tonight!”

“Did you make top5?” mom couldn’t wait until tonight to know.

“We have to leave and miss the awards. We did the last round this afternoon.
I’m doing very well!”

Ok,whatever he could make it or not, he is always my little boy!

Ready to pick him!

PS: later I received an email from his teacher:"Thank you! XXX did rank in the top 10 in the nation!! Which is an amazing accomplishment. I am so proud of him! Thank you for allowing XXX to be a part of DECA, he enjoys it very much :)"
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