

(2014-11-28 20:38:54) 下一個
第一次, Thanksgiving不用做很多飯,隻管吃。不離左右的LG,美食,好友,街上的人流,世界好繁華,心裏卻空落落的。直到接受,兒子再次匆匆忙忙的問候...

Dear Mom and Dad, 

Even though I am not at home this thanksgiving, I would like to say that I miss you very much and more importantly, I am very thankful to have you guys in my life. 

I really do appreciate all the things you  have done for me and all the things you  have sacrificed to make me a better person. I humbly appreciate the opportunities you have set up for me an the passion you have instilled in me. More of all, I am thankful that you  have raised me into the person I am toady, and being there for me always. 

 I am currently  in Irvine at a friend's house and we will be making dumplings soon. Seeing their family together made me realize that by far the most important thing in my life is not academics, or sports, or friends but family. I would like to say this also to my grandmother, aunt, and my cousin xxx as well, and hope you guys can help me pass this along. 

It has been a challenging start of college so far but I am learning a lot and meeting really amazing people. Let me tell you more later.

I love you guys!

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閱讀 ()評論 (3)
menopause 回複 悄悄話 感人!感恩!
zhenmom 回複 悄悄話 回複 '人為鬼妻' 的評論 : 謝謝您。養兒方知父母恩,離家才曉家的好,我們也是第一次聽說兒子要包餃子,以前他隻知道吃的呀。這讓我和LD熱淚盈眶,真是環境改造人。
人為鬼妻 回複 悄悄話 好感人啊!在我們天天擔憂的美國能養出這樣的乖兒,真讓人羨慕!