
裝修流水賬。開始跟老狐狸說的是2萬4做3個浴室加廚房地板, 之中要拆一塊壁櫥的板,加了5百塊, 老狐狸說地毯是肯定要換,給了個價錢一層6000-7000快,現在最近的消息是, 老狐狸說地下室的暴露的電線一定要拆掉,不拆不會檢查過關,所以要1000塊。


(2020-11-13 08:50:03) 下一個

When I first heard about this the PA vote count flip of 20k votes, and the MI count flip of 6k votes, I had the an idea, we need to review all vote counts to see whether there were more flip instances like that. My idea was to re-watch the cnn overnight election coverage, manually write down all the votes numbers from the screen, put them through a data analysis software, and find other anomalies. The data collection is the hardest part, once the accurate data is collected, the analysis should be a very straightforward.

This guy from graph 2, PedeInspector, is super smart to find a data source in Edison research website, that has thousands of data points: https://static01.nyt.com/…/pennsylvania/president.json that contains real time election data by states.

He analyzed the data, and find the PA flip between timestamp 2020-11-04T04-07 and 2020-11-04T04-08, data point 187 and 188. In graph 3, within 1 second, one side is down 0.6% while the other sides is up 0.6%, the change of number is on the scale of 20k, while the vote count total only increased 54 counts (0.002%). 19958/2984522 =0.06687

Graph 4, the news of Antrim Michigan flip of about 6000 votes is the first to get national attention.

If you look at graph 4, data point 27 and 28 is the change for two candidate, and graph 5 is PedeInspector’s explanation of what happened, the flip happened between two party candidate and one third party candidate.

He has all his data collections, programming source code online for all programmers, data analysts to validate and drill down. At this moment teams of volunteers are working on this projects.


The biggest problem with PedeInsptector’s analysis is the data source is not verified. He downloaded data from Edison research, which aggregate the data and feed to the major network companies. However since the two very well published voter machine ‘glitch’ incidents are correct at both amount and timing, I incline to think the data source is valid. The other problem is also the data source, the data he used does not have individual vote count, but percentage of 3 decimal points accuracy. This only provided validation for ‘big’ data point without the fine drill downs. The method he used to find out the irregularities is pretty straightforward, just find whether there are up and down at the same timestamp with the same/similiar amount. He found tens of thousands of vote flips using simple method. If the data is more granular, such as county level data, or even voting center level of data, he will find a lot more. Maybe Edison Research has the granular data, Dominion definitely has the raw data. With a court order we might be able to see more detailed voting data to find out every flip, even the flip algorithms.


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