據報,美駐華大使駱氏家輝(Gary Locke)9月1日專程到北大進行了一次忽悠性極強的主題演講,辯稱美將進一步強化在亞洲的軍事存在, 但並不是專門針對TG滴。
“We strongly believe — and I believe most in the region would agree — that our security presence here is beneficial to the countries of the region and necessary for the continued vitality of the Asia-Pacific.”
“我們堅信,我認為該地區大多數國家也都認同,我們在這裏的存在有益於該地區的國家 ,並是維持亞太地區活力所必需的。”(自我感覺良好之詞)
“Our security presence is not aimed at any one country.”
“A China that is more open to all views, ideas and expressions, will lead to a stronger and more secure China.”
“We’ve got a long way to go (in US-China cooperation), but I’m hopeful that working together we can escape from historical patterns and instead forge a legacy of cooperation and partnership.”