強烈建議你讀幾本書,會令你茅塞頓開:You are not alone.
(2013-09-24 19:55:31)
"I am not mad, I just hate you" A new understanding of mother-daughter conflict ---by Roni Cohen-Sandler,Ph.D--national bestseller
"Between mother and daughter" a teenager and her mom share the secrets of a strong relationship ---by Judy Ford and Amanda Ford
"Don't Stop Loving me" A reasuring guide for mothers of adolescent daughters ---by Ann F. Caron
" girl in the mirror" mothers and daughters in the years of adolescence ---by nancy L. Snyderman, M.D. and Peg Streep
以上的書Amozon有評論。 在family counseling 方麵, 母女關係僅次於夫妻關係,是counseling 的一大題材。好好疼愛這一時期的女兒,否則前十三年的疼愛都會打水漂了。 切記。切記。等她再大一點,就懂了。這個時期是母女關係的關鍵期,千萬把握好。