
Grade Two Reading Skills

(2012-03-20 18:35:03) 下一個
Before Reading
  • Set purpose for reading-to get info (read newspapers, instruction manuals, editorials, essays, dictionaries, or cookbooks) or to have fun (read poems, novels, plays, or short stories)
  • Prior knowledge is any relevant info we have before we begin reading.
  • A prediction is an idea or thought about the future.

During Reading Connections

As kids grow, they develop more of their own feelings, thoughts, and ideas. It’s wonderful to see this happen, but you want to make sure that they recognize and respect other perspectives as well. Your child made a connection between his own feelings and the outside world.

  • Text-to-self connections are when you make links and relationships between the text and your everyday life, personal ecperiences, and private thoughts or feelings.
  • Text-to-world c are when you build l and r b the text and the world. You can link details from the text with the things you see in the world and events going on in the world.
    Text-to-text c are when you build l and r b different parts of a text. e.g. you can build l b texts, such as from a story to a poem, story, movie, or song. You can also link details from the beginning of a text to the end of a text.

Do ask questions such as “Have you…” ”How did that make you feel?”

Here are some questions to ask your child during/after reading:
1. Did the story remind you of anything you know about?
2. What did you wonder about while you were reading?
3. What do you think might happen next?
4. What do you see in your head as you read this?
5. What do you understand now that you didn’t understand before?

Checking Understanding

Good readers picture the story and check understanding by asking questions about the text and clear up confusion.

After Reading Summarizing

Describe eachparagraph using only one sentence.(段意)

other skills:
The main idea is the most important idea in a story. The main idea tells you who or what the story is about.
-To find the main idea, look for clues in the story. Clues are often found in the title.
Details help explain what happens in a story. Details give u the 5Ws and H in a story: who, what, where, when, why, and how.
-You do not need to reread the story to find one detail. Just look through the story for that one detail.
Context clues are words and phrases around an unknown word in a passage that help you figure out the meaning of the unknown word.
Sequence is the order of ideas and events in a passage. the sequence in which enents are presented in a passage may not be the same as the order in which the events described actually took place.
The plot is the series of events in a fictional story.
The setting is the time and places in which the events in a fictional story take place.
Characters are the people whose actions, ideas, thoughts and feelings a passage tells about. Characters aren't always human. Sometimes animals, plants, or parts of the setting may be characters in a passage. Authors reveal c through details about the character, including what the c says and how the c behaves.
-You can learn about c by how the author describes them. you can also notice what they do,say, think, or feel.
Sometimes, you can learn about a c by what other c say about him, or how they act toward him.

Cause and effect
The cause is the reason an event happens.
The effect is the result of an event, feeling, or idea.
-Some clue words are because, so, therefore, since, before, after, and as a result.

Fact and Opinion

Facts are statements that are true. Facts can be about people, places, numbers, and many other things.
Opinions are beliefs or judgments held by a person or a group. Opinions may be supported by information, but they cannot be proven to be true.

Comparing and Contrastin
Comparing is noting what is alike between two or more ideas, characters, details, or events in a passage.
Contrasting is noting what is different between two or more.......

Identifying Poetry . A poem often has words that rhyme. A poem may also have rhyme that you can hear, especially when you read the poem aloud.
-Poetry is often written in groups of lines called stanzas.

Identifying Nonfiction. Nonfiction is about real people, places, and event. Kind of nonfiction include biographies, reports, and articles. You can find articles in magazines, newspapers, and encyclopedias.
A story about made-up characters and events is fiction.

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