

(2005-07-08 21:30:19) 下一個
I am not sure which one is easier, to think or to feel. Remember there is a saying, when man thinks, God laughs. To be honest, I don’t know what to think at the moment. I remember how this got started; it is unbelievably beautiful and it is real and it is gonna last long. Above all, it is not bad to be treated as a woman or a friend, both are nice. They are always mixed up together maybe, married or not, within or outside of it. Action is more important, I guess. So after I went home, I turned on the music. Those songs are not only pleasant but also his songs. In terms of poetry, anything can be poems, simple or not simple, as proved by these songs. The songs don’t sound painful even he is singing he lost her. It is simply delightful and easy. It is like let’s sing a little song and make a family and live together forever. The rhythm is cool. I don’t think I need to go to a beach to feel like I am belly dancing on a Caribbean beach together with other pretty women. I am a pretty woman. I took a little nap in the music, and woke up. Felt hungry after doing all the dishes; we went out for honey BBQ wings, my favorite. I like those with bones. After went through two KFCs, I got a box of mixed wings, some were with bones some were not with bones. That was the best we could get tonight. They rapped loudly in the radio, I heard only rhythms. In the cool summer breeze, I felt sleepy, relaxed and peaceful and missing him. Friends, Will& Grace they made me good laughs. I heard from him again. He said he missed me too. Isn’t it nice? I am happy tonight. Vows are easy to keep. Love is easy. It is going to be a good sleep with sweet dreams, baby.
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