From the Chanel to Gucci Fall 2010 Runway,設計師開始在皮毛上做文章,我們可不可以稱之為時裝設計史上原始主義" primitivism "的回歸?

在T-台上我們都會驚呼連連,我懷疑是否有人真敢於的穿到現實中來。Anna DR did.

see how people commend:
"Wild, absolutely wild! Shocking and aggressive; courageous."
"I adore this, I love how she is so vibrant amongst all the grey, brown and black." "Amazing! God Bless ADR!"

See what comment she received(私下裏個人非常認同wenxuecity這位達人的評論)
"scares me and a big style plunge for her.she wears it just because it is Gucci's newest fall design and expensive,and again,we have to say that big name and price have nothing to do with the taste.was she blinded?when she was looking at mirror she should know this one made her like an chimpanzee "