
人說做人難 ,做女人更難。我說做人難,做男人更難,做澳洲男人難上加難。


(2010-09-07 20:15:58) 下一個
民選工黨總理Kevin Rudd任期未滿,被工黨內訌趕了下台,成為澳洲曆史上任期最短的總理和首位一屆未滿的總理,壯誌未酬淚滿襟。

工黨副總理,Julia Gilard被問及是否有心問鼎時皮笑肉不笑地回答說:當總理和去當Bulldog橄欖球隊的前鋒機率等同。還到處信誓旦旦,真金白銀地打比方,貽笑大方。

On radio station 3AW, when asked by Neil Mitchell whether she could promise that she would not be leader before the next election, she said You may as well ask me am I anticipating a trip to Mars.

When Fairfax Media\'s Tim Lester interviewed Gillard on the National Times website, an even better fantasy analogy was embraced. If Steven Spielberg rang me from Hollywood and asked me to star opposite Brad Pitt in a movie, would I do it? Well, I\'d be a little bit tempted but you know what, I don\'t reckon Steven Spielberg is going to give me a call.

Then on 2GB radio, another hypothetical, when the Deputy was asked had there been a Howard/Costello deal done with Rudd, she responded with something equally as topical as leadership. Gillard said : I know we’ll be welcoming Jessica [Watson] back to Sydney this weekend after her round the world epic feat. I tell you, I think there’s more chance of me going round the world sailing solo a dozen times than this chatter in the media becoming anything more than that. Then on Monday she reinforced the point once again, apparently there’s more chance of me becoming the full forward for the [Western Bulldogs] than there is of any change in the Labor Party.

Tony Abbott以一票微弱優勢擊敗Malcolm Turnbull,取而代之成為反對黨首領。



Gillard在聯邦大選中被一票微弱優勢推上了總理寶座,用Abbott的話來形容就是憑一須優勢取勝。 但嚴格來說,Gillard不是民選的,而是被所謂的“三人幫”權衡出來的。 大選前,Gillard曾誓言隻有澳洲人民推選她當總理,她才會搬進總理府。看來未來三年內總理府將會繼續空置。

Andrew Wilkie初為自由黨員,當年在營造攻打伊拉克理由的大氣候中,憑良心說真話,被Howard整治。如今終於以獨立人資格競選成功,Abbott以自由黨名義向其道歉。 而Andrew要價成功後,將票給了工黨,揚眉吐氣。正是不是不報,時辰未到。Howard的債由Abbott來還。

獨立議員Robert Oakeshott,作為非主流議員,估計從未做過當部長的夢,這次成了關鍵的“三人幫”成員,Gillard對症下藥,開價一個行政部長,實在誘人,特別是 對獨立議員而言,而且他的議會資曆還淺,估計已經一口吞下,說回家商量隻是意思 意思而已。

這次大選,基本都是贏家,自由黨的議席上升,下屆組閣的機率大幅度上升,Abbott的地位空前鞏固。 工黨雖然扔了些議席,但勉強組閣,保住一點臉皮,也沒輸。綠 黨黨魁Brown牛氣衝天,Gillard得每周親自或派出代表和他碰頭。幾個獨立議員更加是呼風喚雨,出盡風頭。


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