
I am not Bridget Jones. I write not because of bordom but of the sheer sensation of self-awarness. However, like her, I do have

Gold fever

(2005-06-30 19:56:11) 下一個
Huula! Got my first gold coin today. Have studied its investment for a couple weeks and could resist the yellow luster no more. Wonder why I never thought about putting money somewhere else rather than buying clothes and finding one piece always missing in my closet. Buying coins is far more fun, tempting, rewarding, ┅ or anything I can think of at this moment. I am seduced by this evil yet sexy beauty. Yeah, I have my first gold coin, and I think I am rich! Ha, liar. The feeling is indeed better than that when finding out two asses while trying the tight short pants on at the Express. My fantasy is slowly drifting into my brain. “Anything works out for you?” the Express lady, artistically balancing her wavy body walked toward me. I dodged, “No, thank you.” If you can just have more petite sizes but for bigger butt. “Oh, that’s too baaaaaad!” She drawled her voice, staring at me coming out the fitting room, from head to toe. Oh, God. I hate her. Eventually, my foe turned into the passion of gold. If I am ugly, I may think about being rich. Well, I mean, I won’t be so bad luck to miss both, will I? The old gentleman said if I hold it for at least 5 to 10 years, I can see its price rolling several times higher. So I will just forget about it for a while and mind my other businesses. Now what to do? Shopping again?
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