LTG, shame on you ...
(2007-02-02 23:21:45)
People showed enough respect to you considering your age, your knowledge, and your f*cking so called talent in writing some f*cking nonsense poems... But look at yourself, do not you feel shame on yourself? Most of people here are younger than you, and they just expressed their way of supporting the Chinese soccer fans and disagreeing your way of boasting Japanese' politeness. But look at yourself ... 提及“文采”,跟我過招的那幾位,說實話,你們的文字很爛。連罵人都罵不好。除了歪曲,就是瞎扣帽子,沒有絲毫幽默感,打哪兒學來的?別忘了,“罵人”更需要文采,魯迅毛澤東李敖都是學習的榜樣,他們把走狗兩麵派罵得心服口服!Who the f*ck you think you are? You think you got all the 文采, 幽默感? Bullsh*t! And you even mention 李敖 with 魯迅, 毛澤東? In my eyes, he is a piece of sh*t, a talking dick, a women flatter ...
I do not even want to start an argument with you, it is just a waste of time. But please just answer one simple question directly: How did you draw the conclusion when you saw those Japanese clapping their damn hands with tears on TV were supporting Chinese' win not their own lose? How did you draw that f*cking conclusion? How? If you can not answer, what you talked are totally bullsh*t, nonsene, since you started your f*cking words on shit! Got it? You are talking shit, do not you know that? You know nothing about soccer, nothing about soccer fans but you started to attack them with shit ... How could you?
Do not feel so good about yourself, all right? Most people here are going to be much better than you in all the aspects when they reach your age. Shame on you! Do not feel so good about yourself after hearing some stupid women's flattery ... Go ahead look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself: "who the f*ck am I?"
Behave yourself, all right? As a man who read many books and grew up in traditional Chinese culture, as a man in his mid-age ... Be a respectable man, not a talking dick …
跟老塘比槍... Are you sure your thing still work? I really doubt... Nobody wants to give you a damn if you did not insult Chinese people by kissing Japanese ass ... Got it? You Japanese Asskisser! Shame on you! Till now, you always attacked the Chinese people without saying anything to the Japanese? Oh, sh*t! I never thought people can be that cheap?
"日前,有報道說小日本兒把酒吧開到了首都北京,而且拒絕為中國人服務。我想問了,你們這些“愛國青年”哪裏去了?去燒了嗎?去砸了嗎?小日本兒敢跑到你的首都來欺負你,你的“悲憤”也喂狗了???誰的錯啊???" What the f*ck!!! You do not blame f*cking Japanese, you blame your own people? I do not want list your sh*t, all f*cking nonsense. And some stupid f*cking idiots think that is 檄文? If you do not like the way people expressing their hate to Japanese, say it … but you have to put condition first: We all hate Japanese! The owe us too much, they will pay back! From all your f*cking words, I never saw a single word blaming Japanese, not a single word saying Japanese are bad! why, why, why? You are such a shame!!!