
The mystery of the sleeping owl( Part 1)

(2010-05-28 20:00:55) 下一個
The moonlight shone in the deep, dark night. Everything was silent except for the owls tooting in the night sky. Jackson and his little brother, Harry, were still wide awake. They just couldn't sleep because of an stange owl. That owl was sleeping on a tree branch. "How strange, " they said. "Owls don't sleep in the night!" "I know, maybe the owl's dead!" suggested Harry. "Great thinking, buddy. But lets find out if the owl's dead tommorow morning."

So, the next morning, they checked if the owl was still lying on the tree branch."Oh my godness!" they both shouted at the same time. "The owl is gone! " Jackson exclaimed. Meaning, the owl was still alive! Owls sleep during the day but this owl is active during the day they both thought. "We need to find out why this owl is doing the opposite of what the normal owls are doing!" Harry said in an puzzled manner. "We will find out! But first, we need some breadfast." They went to the dining room to have their sandwich for breadfast. The sandwich contained two slices of bread, two slices of tomato, a vegetable leaf, and finally, a slice of chicken ham. "I'm hungry!" Harry said hungrily, watering for the sandwich as he eagerly streched out his hands to reach the sandwich. They began to munch on their sandwich hungrily. "But we still need to solve the mystery!" cried Harry
    Have you already solved the mystery?
Find out in (part 2)!
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