

(2010-05-24 04:09:35) 下一個
The shiny rays of the golden sun streamed into the classroom in the afternoon. Tom was having Maths lesson with the other pupils. Every pupil in the class was listening attentively to the teacher like a soldier to the General, except for Tom. He was very bored because he already understand everything his teacher said and he loathed his teacher, Mrs Tan very much. Suddenly, he had a brilliant idea. He took out his maths textbook and put his favourite comics book behind it. It was well-hidden. After a while, he was completely engrossed in his comics book and cannot even hear anything around him. Then, he started to stifle giggles. A pupil nearby saw him doing weird actions. She was so curious that she leaned backwards and saw him reading a comics book. The pupil shouted loudly “TOM IS READING A COMICS BOOK!” to the teacher immediately. Everyone in the class turned to him and stared at Tom with surprise. The whole class became as silent as in the deep night and everyone can even hear twirling noise from the fan. Mrs Tan stopped her lesson with angry eyes. Mrs Tan confiscated his comics book. Mrs Tan also made him stand up. His face flushed with embarrassment.He learnt an important lesson, we should listen to our teacher attentively to show respect to our teacher.
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JACKYY 回複 悄悄話 Woh, your writing is so fantastic. I like your expressions about details, which is very attractive