![]() | ![]() 雨天鬱悶,心裏明白德國不弱,但還要賭足球皇帝馬拉多納率隊的阿根廷隊獲勝出線,不然好好的世界杯,巴西也回家了,就變成歐洲杯了,願意看歐洲杯去南非幹啥呢? 說來說去,自己似乎是一個重視情感不願意看清形勢向勢力低頭念舊的人,重感情念舊的用情商來衡量是高還是低啊?但誰說我喜歡阿根廷,喜歡一代足球梟雄馬拉多納的英雄主義,智商低情商更低別說我跟你急!怎麽那麽德國阿,德國那表情嚴肅,哪裏有馬拉多納穿高級皮鞋高級夾絲銀灰西服落腮胡子帥阿?你看到哪個德國帥哥能穿皮鞋著胡子花白還能在世界杯上掂球引來一陣歡呼阿?! 阿根廷敗給德國,0:4,這個結果導致了一直激情的馬拉多納引咎辭職,但俺相信馬拉多納雖敗猶榮。你的神化,如貝利,貝肯鮑爾一樣的光榮神聖。 讓俺用這首曾經追憶Evita,阿根廷前總統貝隆的夫人的歌曲來為你祈禱,她也曾來自阿根廷,雖然出生貧寒,做過舞女和影視演員,靠姿色和手腕成為阿根廷第一夫人,但她為阿根廷的社會、勞工、醫療等方麵作出過卓越的貢獻,雖然逝世時年僅33歲,好萊塢依舊選麥當娜主演,並把歌曲降低了幾度來適應她的歌喉。 常常俺把這首歌中的女孩當作自己,也多次把阿根廷想為中國,那樣這首歌更能接近我的心靈。 "Don't Cry For Me Argentina" It won't be easy, you'll think it strange When I try to explain how I feel That I still need your love after all that I've done You won't believe me All you will see is a girl you once knew Although she's dressed up to the nines At sixes and sevens with you I had to let it happen, I had to change Couldn't stay all my life down at heel Looking out of the window, staying out of the sun So I chose freedom Running around, trying everything new But nothing impressed me at all I never expected it to [Chorus:]Don't cry for me Argentina The truth is I never left you All through my wild days My mad existence I kept my promise Don't keep your distance And as for fortune, and as for fame I never invited them in Though it seemed to the world they were all I desired They are illusions They are not the solutions they promised to be The answer was here all the time I love you and hope you love me Don't cry for me Argentina [chorus]Have I said too much? There's nothing more I can think of to say to you. But all you have to do is look at me to know That every word is true 阿根廷,不要為我哭泣 那並不容易,你會感到奇怪, 當我仍然需要你的愛, 然而這一切, 你卻不願相信我的話。 你認定我是那個 你從前認識的女孩。 雖然她的打扮無可挑剔, 卻與你格格不入。 我無法避免其發生,我不得不去改變, 不能聽憑自己隨波逐流。 (滿足於)張望窗外,遠離陽光, 於是我選擇了自由。 四處漫遊,嚐試一切新事物, 但沒給我留下一絲印象, 而這這本身從未期待過。 阿根廷,別為我哭泣, 事實上我從未曾離開過你, 在那段狂野的歲月中, 瘋狂曆程裏,我信守著諾言, 別將我拒之門外。 至於金錢,以及名利, 我未曾奢望, 雖然在世俗看來,這些是我所追求的. 它們不過是幻想。 決非解決的途徑,如它們所承諾的那樣 答案一直在這兒, 我愛你,希望你也愛我。 阿根廷,不要為我哭泣 我是否說得太多, 我想我還能向你表白什麽, 但你所要做的隻是看看我, 你會知道每字每句都真情。 |