今天再舉一個例, 以下也是兩顆真實的鑽石資料的零售價格的比較, 我以A1 ,B1作代號來區別這兩顆真實的鑽石. 以下的A1鑽石的(G.I.A)詳細報表(Diamond Grading Report)如下. 原來報表是沒有中文的, 銅牛加上中文, 方便網友閱讀.
* A Diamond Grading Report documents the specific characteristics of diamond. These reports are issued by the Gemological Institute of America (G.I.A), which is among the most respected organization in the diamond industry.
Certified by GIA (GIA鑑定證明書)
(A1) Diamond Details (A 1鑽石的明細表)
1. Stock Number: (貨號) _ LD01923207 9. Depth %: (深度比例) _62.5% (4.00mm)
2. Price: (價格) _________ US$ 21,974 10. Table %: (桌麵比例) _ 56%
3. Bank wire price: (電漚價格) US$ 21,645 11. Polish: (拋光級別) _ Excellent
4. Price per carat: (每卡拉價格) US$ 21,974 12. Symmetry: (對稱性) _ Excellent
5. Carat weight: (重量) _ 1.00 13. Girdle: (腰部) _ Medium to medium, Faceted
6. Cut: (切割方法) __ Excellent 14. Culet: (鑽尖麵) __ None
7. Color: (顏色) _________ D 15. Fluorescence: (瑩光反應) __ None
8. Clarity: (淨度) ____ IF 16. Measurements: (測量) ____ --6.39 x 6.42 x 4.00 mm
17. Cut: Excellent (Fair / Good / Very Good / Excellent / Signature Ideal)
This diamond is cut to the finest proportions as determined by its face-up appearance, design, and craftsmanship. It reflects nearly all light as fire and brilliance as determined by the GIA. The GIA certificate lists the cut as Excellent.
18. Color: D (J / I / H / G / F / E / D)
A diamond of this color grade is highly prized, as a diamond with less color has never been found. This grade of diamond is absolutely colorless.
19. Clarity: IF (SI1 / SI2 / VS1 / VS2 / VVS2 / VVS1 / IF / FL)
This diamond has no internal identifying characteristics, even when viewed under a microscope at extreme magnification. These diamonds are not grade flawless usually because of very slight surface marking or minor details in their polish. Diamonds of this grade of clarity are extremely rare.
*以上是A 1鑽石的明細表, 再比對以下B1鑽石的明細表, 看看有什麽不同, 而影響兩顆真實的鑽石之間, 每卡拉隻是相差US$ 1455. 為什麽1.00 Carat比1.05 Carat小0.05carat, 但價格高出US$ 429.
* A Diamond Grading Report documents the specific characteristics of diamond. These reports are issued by the American Gem Society Laboratories (AGSL), is universally and respected by the jewelry as a document of authenticated quality.
Certified by AGSL (AGSL鑑定證明書)
(B1)Diamond Details (B 1鑽石的明細表)
1. Stock Number: (貨號) _ LD01599238 9. Depth %: (深度比例) _ 61.7% (4.03mm)
2. Price: (價格) __________US$ 21,545 10. Table %: (桌麵比例) __ 55%
3. Bank wire price: (電漚價格) US$ 21,222 11. Polish: (拋光級別) ___ Ideal
4. Price per carat: (每卡拉價格) _ US$ 20,519 12. Symmetry: (對稱性) _ Ideal
5. Carat weight: (重量) ___ 1.05 13. Girdle: (腰部) __ Medium to Thick
6. Cut: (切割方法) _______Ideal 14. Culet: (鑽尖麵) _ None
7. Color: (顏色) ______________ D 15. Fluorescence: (瑩光反應) _ Negligible
8. Clarity: (淨度) _____ IF 16. Measurements: (測量) ____6.53 x 6.55 x 4.03 mm
17. Cut: Excellent (Fair / Good / Very Good / Ideal / Signature Ideal)
This diamond is cut to the finest proportions as determined by its light performance, proportions, and finish characteristics design. This diamond reflects nearly all light as fire and brilliance as determined by the AGSL. The AGSL certificate lists the cut as Ideal.
18. Color: D (J / I / H / G / F / E / D)
A diamond of this color grade is highly prized, as a diamond with less color has never been found. This grade of diamond is absolutely colorless.
19. Clarity: IF (SI1 / SI2 / VS1 / VS2 / VVS2 / VVS1 / IF / FL)
This diamond has no internal identifying characteristics, even when viewed under a microscope at extreme magnification. These diamonds are not grade flawless usually because of very slight surface marking or minor details in their polish. Diamonds of this grade of clarity are extremely rare.
以下是分析A 1/ B1 之間的不同之處, 請注意所有紅字.
看看明細表中第4. 和第5. 項 __ A 1鑽石比B1鑽石重量少了0.05carat, 但每carat的售價反而高了US$ 1455
A1鑽石比B1鑽石小, 但貴了一點是在於不同的 鑑定證明書, A1是Certified by GIA (GIA鑑定證明書), 而B1則是Certified by AGSL (AGSL鑑定證明書).
另外就是A1鑽石的Girdle (腰部) 是Medium, 看B1鑽石的Girdle (腰部) 是Medium to Thick, 雖然A1是有 Faceted (多了一個小麵), 但B1腰部是Thick(厚)的話,反而是更差的, 因為看起來更多小麵, 所以輕微影響到它們之間的售價.
AGSL鑑定證明書的 IDEAL 雖然是等於GIA的EXCELLENT, 不過GIA的鑑定證明書更有公信力.
在此順便一提A1和B1鑽石的Fluorescence (瑩光反應), 相對沒有影響售價.
至於Bank wire price (電漚價格) 是什麽! 在一般美國的大珠寶公司買鑽石(是指1 carat以上的) 如果從自己銀行直接電漚給珠寶公司的話, 會有一些折扣.
鑽石是高價的商品, 所以每一張GIA的鑑定證明書, 必須要由三個鑑定師的鑑定報告一致通過, 才能真正為一顆鑽石發出鑑定證明書, 所有鑑定報告都永遠留存在GIA的資料庫中, 以便翻查及追究鑑定報告的錯誤性及鑑定師的責任.