

(2011-10-29 20:57:04) 下一個
上世紀三十年代科學家即發現癌細胞嗜糖。二甲雙呱 (metformin) 是最常用糖尿病降糖藥, 可顯著降低腫瘤生長速度甚至致死腫瘤。 實驗室及小群體臨床試驗表明此藥對多種癌症有療效(如腸癌,前列腺癌,肺癌等等)。III 期臨床試驗治療乳腺癌正在進行 (clinicaltrials.gov/show/NCT01101438).

氯喹(chloroquine)原用於治療瘧疾。研究發現對化療抗性病人尤其有效。現歐美正做臨床抗癌試驗 (clinicaltrials.gov/show/NCT00969306)。

多曬太陽以獲得足量維生素D, 多運動以增加足量一氧化氮,飲食低肉低海鮮多新鮮蔬菜水果。都有助徹底擺脫癌症。


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yunfei66 回複 悄悄話 回複笑林的評論:Make sense, we are what we eat. 大家總在講但又沒有高度重視的另一件事情既是:心情。很大一部分病人是被嚇死的。過度緊張,每日裏噓寒問暖的人提醒其病情嚴重,來日不多,生活打亂,身體沒機會隨著治療調回正常軌道。。。
笑林 回複 悄悄話 I read the following by Dr Andrea Moritz. I don't understand it fully, but it seems to make sense.

When you ingest any food or beverage with refined sugar used as a sweetener, the sugar hit your body receives creates an immediate chemical imbalance. This is because, unlike foods and vegetables, refined sugar is devoid of vitamins and minerals.
Refined sugar, due to its chemical composition, also makes the blood acidic and alters its acid-alkaline balance. Since this balance is critical and delicately maintained, the body almost instantly begins to draw on its reserves of sodium, potassium and magnesium, calcium (from your bones and teeth) and B complex vitamins from the nervous system to return the blood to the required acid-alkaline equilibrium.
When consumed in large doses and consistently in the form of processed foods, candy and cookies and colas, your body is getting an overdose of refined sugar. The body begins to dump the excess sugar in the liver in the form of glycogen. When the liver is saturated, this organ releases the extra glycogen into the bloodstream in the form of fatty acids, which are stored in the abdomen, buttocks, breasts and thighs as adipose tissue or fat cells.
Make cola and cookies part of your daily diet and the fatty acids are diverted to organs such as the heart and kidneys. These organs get congested and accumulate fatty tissue in and around them. Next, they begin to degenerate. Eventually, the circulatory and lymphatic systems get overloaded and the toxicity crisis spills over until finally, something gives way.