
對W總牛帖的逐段點評 :-)

(2011-08-18 15:43:31) 下一個

為了方便,把評論用紅字夾在W總的原文裏 :D


If you want to slam Nazi Germany for its crime against humanity, be my guest.

If you want to hate Imperial Japan for its vicious crime against Asian people, especially Chinese people, be my guest, and I want to join you.

However, be it the genocide against Native Americans, or supporting Latin America dictators, or supporting Israel’s war in Mid-East, albeit utterly wrong from moral POV, current American people benefited from those crimes.(不知道你在這裏到底想暗示什麽?罪惡就是罪惡。一方麵你承認這些老美曾犯下的罪惡是不道德的,另一方麵你又暗示大家現在美國人從這些罪惡中得到了好處。是不是因為你我都從這些罪惡中受益,這些罪惡就比其他的罪惡,比如說中國老祖宗犯下的那些,更應當受到原諒呢?還是你的老毛病:雙重標準!) The war against Iraq was started on wrong premise, and resulted in bad consequences. That was a crime backfired, and didn’t benefit American people.

US government, despite its wrongdoings against other people in some countries, they treated their own people well.(Really? 你可能忘了美國警察是怎麽拿水龍頭對付民權運動人士了!美國政府可以送自己的子弟兵去越南和伊拉克去做無意義的犧牲,成千上萬的年輕生命扔在了戰場上,這叫一貫對自己人好?! Chinese government OTOH, throughout history, sent their women and goods to others to beg for temporary peace, while suppressing its own people, for temporary benefits of ruling class. Not only was it wrong, but also shameful.(對你來說,幾百年前中國統治階級的和親政策比幾百年前美國人對印第安人的種族滅絕更可恥。對你的道德標準再次表示懷疑!

You don’t want to be the bad guy on the block, but more importantly, you don’t want to be the pushover victim. Playing nice towards others doesn’t necessarily bring you back respect or kindness.(嗬嗬,這一整個一大段兒聽起來都是在給欺負人尋找道德借口。咱道德水平高的不欺負人不成嗎?) ONLY if you are able to cause harm to others, and you prove there will be serious repercussions to others for treating you badly, then you will have your peace with others. Small countries can luck out and be left alone, for just being nice. Large countries do not have that luxury. Respect is earned. If you don’t even treat your own people well, nobody will treat you well.

Governments answer to own people, first and for most. It’s not an important role to play as a “nice guy” in the neighborhood, especially when you don’t even have a friend.(什麽邏輯?對自己人好和對外人壞有嘛關係?對自己人好就一定需要對外人壞嗎?沒看出你在這裏扯來扯去到底想論證神碼?) Victims are to be sympathized, but being victims alone doesn’t automatically make you great people or even nice people. Certainly it’s nothing to be glorified. (again,表麵上你在口氣上裝作不讚成這種做法,但通篇都是在給這種不道德的恃強淩弱找借口。這就是我說的虛偽!

There are no saints and no righteous men. If there are only two kinds of big governments, one is treating its own people well, but sometimes commits crimes against neighbors; another is acting shy and harmless in the neighborhood (while nobody is believing him), but is a true bully at home. If you have a choice between those 2, which government would you prefer? (真是奇怪了。為什麽人民非得在兩種混蛋政府之間做出選擇呢?為什麽一個政府不能既對自己人好也對外人不壞呢?殺別人是不是比殺自己人更道德呢?這就是我說的典型的利己式的雙重標準和虛偽。)If you choose to embrace the latter one, you might need some professional help.(隻有強迫自己必須在兩種混蛋政府之間做出選擇的人才需要看心理醫生!!正常人都知道,在兩種混蛋政府模式之外,還有對己對人都好的模式,比如瑞士瑞典挪威等等。強迫自己在兩壞之間做出選擇是自虐!) However, if you choose the former, while advocating the latter to your relatives and friends, I really have no words for you.

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