
試著告訴讀者,生活是多樣的。每一個活著的人,在多元化的人生時空裏, 扮演著某種角色,向著不同的方向展現著自己的千姿百態,書寫著與眾不同的生 命華章。

Knife 刀

(2013-12-30 20:56:54) 下一個

by Mary Oliver                                                                                           瑪麗 奧利弗


  Something                                         什麽東西
  just now                                           此刻
  moved through my heart                               正穿透我的心
  like the thinnest of blades                              紅尾鳥曾拍擊
  once with its great wings                               巨大的羽翼
  and flew above the gray, cracked                         飛上這灰色,裂開的
  rock wall.                                          岩壁
  It wasn"t                                            這不是
  about the bird, it was                                  在說鳥
  something about the way                                                                    而是在說岩石存在
  stone stays                                          的模樣
  mute and put, whatever                                無論什麽從身旁閃過
  goes flashing by.                                     它總是無聲聳立。
  Sometimes,                                         有時
  when I sit like this, quiet,                               我這樣靜靜地坐著,
  all the dreams of my blood                              融化在血液裏的,我所有夢想
  and all outrageous divisions of time                       還有,時光裏,我所有的衝動
  seem ready to leave,                                   似乎準備要離去
  to slide out of me.                                    溜過我的身體
  Then, I imagine, I would never move.                      於是,我想象,我從來不會動。
  By now                                            此刻
  the hawk has flown five miles                            鷂鷹至少
  at least,                                             已飛去了五哩
  dazzling whoever else has happened                                                    無論是誰,隻要向上望去
  to look up。                                         都會感到眩暈
  I was dazzled. But that                                  我眩暈,但這與刀
  wasn"t the knife.                                      沒有關係
  It was the sheer, dense wall                              是陡峭,厚實
  of blind stone                                        無痕的石壁
  without a pinch of hope                                 沒有絲毫希望
  or a single unfulfilled desire                              或是未實現的奢望
  sponging up and reflecting,                              海綿般地吸收,反射
  so brilliantly,                                         如此輝煌的,
  as it has for centuries,                                  那太陽的火光
  the sun"s fire.                                        仿佛過了幾個世紀。
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