
Life\'s a dream. Never too old to learn stupid things. :-)

《每日一句漢譯英》一周匯總 (29)

(2012-03-16 22:16:38) 下一個

中美兩國在外交和貿易領域發生口水戰是常事,但最近這一現象蔓延到了流行文化陣地,美國脫口秀主持人柯南•奧布萊恩(Conan O'Brien)與中國喜劇演員“大鵬”就鬥起了嘴。

China-U.S. spats are commonplace on the diplomatic and trade fronts, but they recently spilled into pop culture, with Conan O'Brien pitted against a Chinese comedian called 'Da Peng.'

plural spats

[count] : a short argument about something that is not important
▪ The newlyweds were having another spat.

plural pits

pit against [phrasal verb]
pit (someone or something) against (someone or something): to cause (someone or something) to fight or compete against (another person or thing)

自納斯達克綜合指數(Nasdaq Composite index)首次站上3,000點已經過去12年多了,在美股曆史上這真的是很長的一段時間。

 It has been more than 12 years since the Nasdaq Composite index made its first climb above 3000, an eon in stock-market terms.

eon (US) or chiefly Brit ae·on/ˈi:ˌɑ:n/noun
plural eons

[count] : a very long period of time — usually plural ▪ Over the eons, the river changed its course many times.▪ (informal) How have you been? I haven't seen you in eons! [=ages]

據初步票房估計,動畫兒童電影《老雷斯的故事》(The Lorax)擊敗了幾部新上映的電影,包括一部大製作的科幻史詩巨片,蟬聯上周末北美票房冠軍。

An animated children’s film fended off several new releases, including a big-budget sci-fi epic, to remain as the weekend’s top-grossing movie, according to early studio estimates.

plural ep·ics

[count] 1: a long poem that tells the story of a hero's adventures
▪ Homer's ancient Greek epic “The Odyssey”
2: a long book, movie, etc., that usually tells a story about exciting events or adventures


A high-ranking Chinese navy officer says the country's first aircraft carrier will officially be placed into service later this year.


The China Daily newspaper quotes Deputy Commander Xu Hongmeng on Tuesday saying the military "has a plan" to put the Soviet-built vessel into active duty, but did not go into details.


The U.S. is the top destination for the world's migrating Christians and Buddhists, as well as those with no particular religious affiliation, including atheists and agnostics, a new study showed.

plural athe·ists
[count] : a person who believes that God does not exist — compare agnostic 1
plural ag·nos·tics
[count] 1: a person who does not have a definite belief about whether God exists or not — compare atheist
2: a person who does not believe or is unsure of something
▪ She considered herself an agnostic on the truth of the theory. [=she was not sure if the theory was true or not]▪ a political agnostic [=a person who lacks strong political beliefs]


In November 1999, the technology world was ablaze with an investment frenzy that favored unprofitable, unproven companies that were valued for their potential 'clicks' and 'eyeballs.'

ablaze ˈbleɪz/ adjective

not used before a noun

1: in the process of burning : on fire
The house was ablaze. Lightning set the building ablaze.
2: glowing with light, color, or emotion — often + with The valley was ablaze with fall foliage. Her eyes were ablaze [=blazing] with anger.

fren·zy /ˈfrɛnzi/ noun

plural fren·zies

[count] : great and often wild or uncontrolled activity
the buying frenzy just before Christmas The partygoers worked themselves (up) into a frenzy. a frenzy of shoppingsee also feeding frenzy

現在,納斯達克前100大上市公司看上去更像道瓊斯工業股票平均價格指數(Dow Jones Industrial Average, 簡稱:道瓊斯工業指數)成分股中那些穩重的上市公司了。

Now, the biggest 100 Nasdaq-listed companies look a lot more like their more sedate counterparts on the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

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