/ɒ/, /ɔ/ - as in on, ought
To Produce: Lower your jaw, as youpress down slightly the back of your tongue. Keep your lips relaxed and neutral.
-- ---
got gone
hot hall
lot log
Practice the vowel /ɒ/ as you focus on vowel length. Repeat
cop - call
jot - job
not - nod
pot - pond
rock - rod
top - tall
Each word group contains /ɒ/ and the schwa. Repeat:
Synonyms - Practice the sound /ɒ/ in synonyms. After you hear A, you say B.
You will hear a model after.
blemish spot
corrupt rotten
suitable proper
timely prompt
truthful honest
This time upon hearing A, you say B. Then listen to the model.
cry aloud
steal nob
highest top
stone rock
Contrast: /ɒ/ - /æ/
Can you differentiate between these sounds? Listen to word parts.
You will hear one word again. Which is it?
hot --- hat ----
pot --- pat ---
on --- Ann ---
Answers: hat pot Ann
Now practice both sounds /ɒ/ and /æ/ in one sentence. Repeat and then listen again to the sentence each time.
Ann - on Ann is on the phone.
hot - hat It's too hot to wear a hat.
not - gnat That insect is not a gnat.
Pat - pot Pat made a pot of tea.
rock - rack Try not to tock the rack.
Ron - ran Ron and I ran.
Listen carefully to the following statements and answer the questions. You will hear a model after each response.
He took off his hat, because the weather was hot.
What did he take off? -- His hat.
How was the weather? -- Hot.
She washed the pot, and Pat dried it.
What did she wash? -- The pot.
Who dried it? -- Pat.
The rack was light, but the rock was heavy.
What wsa light? -- The rack.
What was heavy? -- The rock.
Contrast: /ɒ/ - /ʌ/
Can you differentiate between these sounds? Listen to word pairs. You will hear one word again. Which is it?
got --- gut ---
hot --- hug ---
not --- nut ---
Answers: gut hog not
Repeat these words and sentences. Then listen to the sentences again each time.
boss -- bus My boss takes the bus.
hug -- hog Can you hug a big hog?
hot -- hut It was hot inside the hut.
not -- nut I cold not crack the nut.
color -- collar What color is the collar?
To product: Lower your jaw and slightly raise your tongue in back to mid-high. Round your lips silightly.
-- ----
bought bond
colt cold
lawn law
Practice the vowel /ɔ/ as you facus on its length. Repeat:
walk wall
salt song
pause paw
wrong raw
Synonyms: Practice the vowel /ɔ/ in synonyms. Upon hearing A and B, repeat B.
aged old
agree conform
from mold
increased more
This time upon hearing A, you say B. Then listen to the model.
chilly cold
combatt war
entrance door
once more encore
Contrast: /ɔ/ - /ʌ /
Can you differentiate between these sounds? Listen to a pair of words. You will hear one word again. Which is it?
bought --- But ---
caught --- cut ---
dawn --- done ----
Answers: bought cut done
Repeat these words and sentences:
caught The criminal was caught
dawn I woke up before dawn
cough I heard someone cough.
cut The prices were cut.
done What have you done?
cuff The shirt has a dirty cuff.
Source: The American Accent Guide (2nd Edition)