(此文中的時尚風格分類來源於文章: "Types of Fashion Styles", at www.enkivillage.com/types-of-fashion-styles.html by suzysmile on Enkivillage. 文字和英譯:greenlawn on wenxuecity.com. 所有圖片的來源都可以點圖得到。轉帖請保留這段出處聲明,謝謝)
1. 波希米亞 Bohemian
熱愛藝術,反叛,獨立不羈。風格要素:突出異域風情的圖案和質地,吉普賽的精細條紋,闊袖的罩衫,層疊的項鏈,頭巾披風,和蠟染的牛仔。Artistic, non-traditional, free-spirited. Exotic patterns and textures, gypsy's intricate patterns, peasant blouses, mutiple chains, head scarves, hippy ponchos, and tie dye jeans.

2. 藝術家風格 Arty
有創造力的思想者。突出自己獨特的藝術品味,喜愛手工製品,喜愛穿戴自己的手工衣飾。A creative thinker who shows her artistic themes, chooses something unique, prefers handcrafted items, and often creates own clothing and accessories.

3. 時髦趨新 Chic, trendy, fashionable
經典,入時,出眾,而漂亮的設計。精良的裁剪,悉心精選的提包和配飾。顏色強烈但不刺眼。Classic, stylish, striking, and smart designs. Well tailored garments, well chosen accessories. Clothes are strong colored but not garish.

4. 經典風格 Classic
舒適,高質量,經典的單品,比如白襯衫,芭蕾平底鞋,闊腿褲,和皮靴。布料上乘,做工精湛。幹淨利落的線條,整體的和諧和穩重,簡潔雅致。Comfort, quality, popular styles such as white button-down blouses, ballet flats, wide-legged trouser and leather boots. Superb fabric, impeccable tailoring, clean unclutered lines, formal balance and stability. Simple elegance.

5. 異域風情 Exotic
完全的與眾不同,耀眼而令人興奮,神秘而引人入勝。風格要素包括修長飄逸的線條,濃烈的色彩,風格繡花,裝飾,印花,和拚花,色彩多變的質地,閃亮的首飾等等。Uncommon, striking, excitingly different, mysterious, intriguing, long flowing lines, rich colors, embroidery, ornate ptterns, prints, mosaics, iridescent textures, and shiny jewelry, etc.

6. 火熱誇張 Flamboyant
激動人心,活力四射,耀眼奪目。不對稱,誇張的荷葉邊,流蘇,怪異的圖案,濃烈而明亮的色彩 Energetic, outgoing, dramatic. Asymetrical, exaggerated flounce, fringe. Outlandish prints. Intense bright colors.

7. 魅力迷人 Glamorous
奪人的美麗,帶著優雅,帶些性感。色彩可深可淺但不強烈。鑽石和絲緞不可或缺。Dazzeling, refined, dramatic, with subtle allure, and sexy. Deep to bright but not intense. Never complete withut diamonds, silk and satin.

8. 浪漫柔美 Romantic
不可救藥地浪漫。注意不是找尋浪漫而是追求浪漫。往往帶一些不切實際的理想主義。喜愛花和花案,心型圖案,皺褶,荷葉邊,柔軟輕盈的麵料,柔和的線條。經常喜歡心型的盒子項墜和帶貝殼人像浮雕的項墜。Often called hopeless but in reality hoping for, rather than looking for, romance. Often idealistic and unrealistic. Like flowers, hearts, ruffles, flouncing, soft fabrics, gentle curve lines, and accessories with lockets and cameos.

1. 波希米亞 Bohemian
2. 藝術家風格 Arty
3. 時髦趨新 Chic, trendy, fashionable
4. 經典風格 Classic
5. 異域風情 Exotic
6. 火熱誇張 Flamboyant
7. 魅力迷人 Glamorous
8. 浪漫柔美 Romantic
Have a very nice weekend!