頭盤南瓜奶油湯顏色和味道都很能夠起食欲,第一次吃時在巴黎的一家小餐廳,在一個小小的巷子裏, 通往餐廳的小路鋪著很古老的石頭。那次吃完這個湯,就一直很想再試一次,今天就憑著記憶和網上的搜索做了試試看,

pumpkin and cream soup

pumpkin and cream soup
Pumpkin and Cream Soup
Serve 3-4
15g butter
Half onion, chopped
1 carrots, sliced
1 celery sticks, sliced
1 tomato, chopped
1 bay leaf
300g pumpkin, peeled and sliced
100g potatoes, peeled and sliced
400ml vegetable stock
70 ml water
30 ml white wine
1 garlic, chopped
¼ teaspoon grated nutmeg
¼ teaspoon white pepper
Thyme (麝香草) leaf to decorate
Heat the butter in a frying pan and cook the onion, carrots, celery and bay leaf over a low heat for 5-8 minutes, stirring often.
Transfer the mixture to a saucepan. Add the pumpkin, potatoes, tomato, stock and white wine. Bring to the boil, then lower the heat and simmer, uncover, for 35-40 minutes or until the vegetables are tender. Remember the bay leaf.
Puree the mixture in a blender or food processor until smooth, transferring each batch to a clean saucepan. Add the nutmeg (肉豆蔻) and pepper and season to taste with salt. Place the pan over a moderate heat and stir until the soup is hot.
Serve the soup in individual bowls topped with rosemary leaf.
說道beef steak, 可能人人都會做,每人做得都有點不同, 但總的來說都大同小異。就像中餐的紅燒肉,做法很多,最基本的步驟還是一樣的。這個菜譜是我總結幾次做Beef steak 的經驗和Gordon Ramsey 的經典做法
Steak Diane

steak diane

steak diane
Beef steak
2 x 120g到180g的上好beef fillet rib-eye or sirloin,(這個量比較少,飯量大的可選200g的fillet) 2-2.5 厘米厚度。我用的是day aged Aberdeen Angus beef fillet rib-eye.(題外話,去年去了美國,發現那裏的肉總的來說確實比英國的肉好吃多了:)
20g Butter
兩湯勺Oliver oil
Sea salt and black pepper
先把beef從冰箱拿出放到溫度到室溫, 然後用適量海鹽和黑椒把牛排兩邊塗勻, 放在一邊靜置
10-20分鍾之後, 在煎鍋裏放上黃油和適量橄欖油, 待油熱了加入beef fillet, 想要medium rare, 一邊煎3-3.5分鍾就夠了,想要更熟一點的,多加兩分鍾。再久就失去了steak的鮮嫩的味道了。煎好後把牛肉放在一個盤子上蓋上鋁箔紙為了保溫和保濕。
Steak Diane Sauce
一個洋蔥, 切成條
4-5個蘑菇, 切成片
Lea & Perrins Worcestershire sauce
一湯勺French mustard
用剛剛煎牛肉的鍋剩下的汁繼續放入少量橄欖油和黃油, 待熱,加入洋蔥和蘑菇, 洋蔥和蘑菇變軟後,加入一湯勺Worcestershire sauce 和一湯勺 French mustard, 攪拌後煮兩分鍾,
下一步加入兩湯勺brandy, 如果你技術好,可以讓火把brandy燃燒起來,但我沒有膽量嚐試。:P
兩分鍾後,加入半杯牛奶或是single cream。 我偏向牛奶,這樣汁作出來會透明點,清澈點。
Side Dish
一小袋organic asparagus (12根左右),煮熟
3-4 個煮熟的baby potatoes, 切半
超市裏做好的potato mash
4 片Baguette, 用橄欖油把兩邊煎脆
幾根parsley leaf
最後在盤子裏放上煮好的asparagus, 然後拿出beef steak(如果太大,可以寫切成小點的塊)放在asparagus 上。旁邊放上Baby potatoes , mash potato和麵包。
吃前澆上steak Diane Sauce 和一些parsley leaf
如果想看 Gordon Ramsey steak Diane sauce 的短片, 可以上you tube 上找。