
多思不若養誌, 多言不若守靜, 多才不若蓄德.
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蛙泳教學 (一)

(2012-05-13 22:54:22) 下一個

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秀山 回複 悄悄話 回複花兒朵朵的評論:

I learned swimming in a summer camp program in Dalian when I was in university but have never been good at it. Recently I decided to refine my swimming skills and the frog style is the first step. There are more youtube videos on the internet but this one is good in my opinion. I will post videos for other styles when I am there.

There are swimming lessons in most gyms and the fee should not be a lot but usually you have to wait. I will take some lessons later on.
花兒朵朵 回複 悄悄話 啊哈!!這個對我太重要了,我正在指導孩子呢,謝!(最好各種遊姿都來一遍,嘻嘻)