新竹 New Bamboo

唱歌唱戲, 打球比武, 都沾點邊, 隻是一事無成. 多年在美國, 早已筆澀.
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(2006-04-20 19:43:28) 下一個
朋友,當你覺得困惑,感到肩上的擔子太沉,整天為生計奔波,張口就叫忙時,你是否忽略了身旁的美麗和恬靜?你不妨也駐足歇口氣。看,月兒又圓了! 我的一位朋友愛音樂,好攝影,還養花種草,事事追求完美。說忙,比誰都忙,可活得有滋有味。下麵是他上班時看到的,供大家欣賞。 A Beautiful Thing Happened on My Way to Work It all happened in front of me during my 40-minute, no, 37-minute drive. Yes, I covered the 33-mile distance from home to work in 37 minutes. All because there was no snow, no freezing rain, no fog, no traffic accident, and no road works. Yesterday was one of such rare days. In the morning dusk I drove westward. A big, round moon looked at me face to face above the horizon. It was white, as pale as my own face in the light of dawn. Its roundness reminded me of the full moon in the Fall which we often praise for its brightness. Has the Moon Goddess risen? When I turned South on a local highway, the Sun threw its first ray from my left. The sky there was dark red. On one spot, there were no obstacles to the East to inhibit my view. Trees, houses in the landscape bathed in the morning sun right below the highway. A lonely cloud hang nearby, an early riser to catch the first sunbathing? There, I saw the small round edge of the Sun clearly with my bare eyes! We just followed the flow of the traffic and sank into a deep dream…. In a daze, I took the exit from the highway to my destination. In a moment I was close to my destination. The Sun cast its radiance with full power. I put on my sunglasses and peeped at the rearview mirror, hoping to see my cool looks. In an instance, the moon disappeared. Wake up! Time to start work!
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