Bleeding Heart

快門便在那朦朦朧朧之中,不知不覺之時被起動 … … …

Bleeding Heart (圖)

(2009-12-16 07:19:31) 下一個
It was an early morning at Brookside Gardens in Wheaton. The sun was still behind the woods. I spotted this little flower with a bright red color and a white tip. When I approached it, the morning dew was still on the flower. I recognized that it was a Bleeding Heart. It is so called because the red part of the flower is in a shape of human heart. With the white tip sticking out, it is like a heart that is bleeding. I would add that the morning dew on the flower adds the tears to the Bleeding Heart. By the time I was ready, the sun barely raised above the tree top providing excellent back light to highlight the beauty of this Bleeding Heart.


當時,這一串心型之花在晨曦的背景光之下勾勒出的晶瑩剔透感染了我。心中湧動著想要嗬護在手心之中的感覺。那瑪瑙般透明的支條,就象纖纖指頭,仿佛能拂摸人的心弦。快門便在那朦朦朧朧之中,不知不覺之時被起動 … … …

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