
Arizona's unconstitutional law: racist teabaggers are racist

(2010-04-24 20:05:28) 下一個
The stringent immigration law that recently passed in Arizona is by most objective measures an unfair and absurd piece of legislation, born from the nativist zeal of reactionary Republicans in the state legislature and signed by Governor Jan Brewer to appease the extremely conservative activist base within the Arizona Republican Party. It is simply impossible to enforce this law equally on all people that it targets, and this law is an inappropriate and unconstitutional burden on immigrants, both legal and illegal, in Arizona.

There are two main facets to this law. The first part is that all immigrants in Arizona must carry documentation papers with them at all times, a provision that defies common sense and constitutional law. It is utterly unreasonable to expect someone to carry their documentation papers with them perpetually; besides the fact that this only makes it more likely for someone to lose or damage those papers, this measure is completely unnecessary. The laws of the United States can more than adequately detect and deal with illegal immigrants without so great a risk of miscarrying justice over a pedantic detail.

The second point of the law is even more ridiculous. Police officers are allowed to detain anyone whom they suspect to be an illegal immigrant. Initially, this does not sound excessive, but upon closer examination, what this portion of the law boils down to is that police can arrest anyone without documentation papers on hand (as already established, a terrible provision) who looks Hispanic.

Ultimately, this Arizona law is a severe invasion of privacy and a rebuff of basic human rights. It targets not only not only illegal immigrants but all people who do not physically appear to be of Anglo descent. It is immensely disrespectful to the accomplishments of all immigrants to the United States and trashes their enormous contributions. It is ironic that the same people who likely at some time in their lineage immigrated to the United States, the same people who supposedly cherish America as the leader of the free world, the same Republicans who believe in small government, would champion such an oppressive and inexcusable law that would doubtlessly expand government in order to deal with more frivolous cases.

The result of this racist law will be like the result of Governor Pete Wilson of California’s anti-immigration push in the 1990s, which solidified California’s status as a Democratic state by alienating Hispanics from the Republican Party. National Republicans will have the Arizona local organization to thank when Arizona and its high Hispanic population begin to swing heavily left.
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