

(2009-11-30 06:09:06) 下一個

Pop quiz 1

Which of the following species has the biggest penis?

    a) human
    b) gorilla
    c) chimp
    d) gibbon

                                                                                                                                                                                       (Some of us might need a bit of clarification here.  We all know human males, but what is the difference between a gorilla, chimp and gibbon?  I will draw some images from Hollywood movies and tv shows. Gorilla is the big ape named kingkong that died on top of empire state building.  The first monkey that learnt how to read is a chimp. If you ever watch the show Monk, you know the chimp that was accused of shooting his master. Gibbon is a type of ape that has very long arms and relatively much small size comparing to human.)

After reviewing the in formations stated above, one might choose the gorilla as the answer.  C’mon, they are big. Well, actually the correct answer is man. When I was first presented the question, I eliminated my answers to choice a and b. Being an ardent fan of Agatha Christine in my younger days,  I learned to believe that sometimes a less likely choice  is usually the correct answer. That is how I get my answer, human.

So why does a man need a large penis?  No, I didn’t shoot the friend who asked me this question. Really, we are in the matrix and I can't do anything about it because we are not living in a movie. 

These are some of the hypothesis up for discussion:

1)      We need longer penis so we can enjoy various positions during sex, e.g. face to face.

2)      A long standing popular theory is that a man’s penis is like a peacock’s tail, something they can display to attract women.

3)      Imagine it being some sort of status display toward other guys. It’s like they have bigger better armory or something. (I didn’t think of that even though men do ask to compare their sizes. So instead of two hostile males taking it out on the parking lot to fight with their fists. Now they go and take off their underwares. Hmmmm)

I definitely agree with hypothesis number one as being the one of the major reasons why human need much larger penis than the various ape species.  But the truth is face to face positions are frequently used by certain types of chimps and occasionally for gorillas, as I was told.  I was also informed afterwards that a type of ape, orangutan, does it while hanging on the trees. 

Regarding hypothesis number two, I am sort of iffy to begin with. Seriously, how many women could say that they get turned on by their sight of a penis? I might consider a man’s voice as an attractive feature. Some girls might say a guy’s butt, shoulder, leg or whatever.

Hypothesis number three. It’s possible, I guess, in some old, more primitive tribes somewhere.  Besides their arrows and sticks and blades, men might have decorated their penis with sheaths or something, making it colorful and bold and use as threat to warn other males.  I imagine one would definitely be able to view on the science channel.

Sex sells.  As a consumer of various women’s magazines and a veteran internet user, I would know.  It is hard to be oblivious to yet another “how to have better sex”, “Viagra without a prescription”, “a breakthrough tech-knowledge to have larger penis.” Some say, our desire to read about sex is only surpassed by our desire to practice it. I guess, it is uniquely human.


Some useless facts:

Erect penis length in different apes

Gorilla—1.25 inches

Orang—1.5 inches

Chimp—3 inches



And as for man, average length in erect penis is 5 inches. ( Horrayyyhhh)                     




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閱讀 ()評論 (5)
LittleFoxxx 回複 悄悄話 回複NY客的評論:
Yep That 2% difference between our genes and those of chimp is definitely responsible for our "greatness" among other unique characteristics.
LittleFoxxx 回複 悄悄話 回複故意的評論:
tks for the encouragement. btw,trust me, they can find it.
NY客 回複 悄悄話 長了見識,看來人類還是最偉大的.:)
故意 回複 悄悄話 Hey, as I finished reading your blog, I took out a ruler and took a glance on the 1.25 inch mark~~~~ That is pretty small and that's an erect penis~~~~ So now I'm wondering~~~ How does a gorilla find his penis?
故意 回複 悄悄話 LOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLL~~~~~ Poor King Kong, it's obviously big for nothing, according to your explicit blog entry~~~ :))))))))

Great start! But gzzzzz, your blog print is as small as the gorilla penis~~~~~ Next time, maybe you could make it little bit more comparable to man size?

Add oil~~~~ Looking forward to read more~~~ :)))))))))