

(2010-03-29 10:06:59) 下一個
A big thank for taking care of our son Bob during his studies in the U.S. We will be most grateful if you continue to help him and steer him in the right direction.


How wonderful it is to have someone like you to be a volunteer interpreter whenever we need one particularly for medical cases. Your kind assistance to me and my family members in solving our language barrier will always be appreciated and remembered.


Your continued encouragement and support in my writing for the newspaper have given me an attitude of thankfulness and a sense of gratefulness.


We both wish to express our appreciation for the time and trouble you took caring for the house and the yard when we were in Taiwan. We feel blessed to have such loving and faithful neighbor.(friend)

我們回台灣時,你們費時費神照顧我們的房子和庭院,我們要向你致謝。我們有這樣友愛和忠誠的鄰居 (朋友 ),實在太有福氣了。

Thank you for the fine care you have consistently delivered to my parents over the years. I hope you know how much you are appreciated today and every day.


I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your incredible assistance over the last five years. I am moving on to the next chapter of my career, but I'll never forget the support that you gave me.


Working as a volunteer, you have been pushing the limits to help us. You are like our right hand,for which we are very grateful.


(這裡用 limit,而不用 limitatiom,以免被人誤為handicapped)

On behalf of my family members, I want to thank you for the splendid job you did arranging our anniversary event. It was an outstanding success in every way.

你為我們的 (結婚 )紀念日籌備慶典,你辦得太棒了,在各方麵,都稱一流。我代表家人向你致謝。

The letter of recommendation you so kindly wrote for me must have been terrific. I was called yesterday with a job offer. I am grateful beyond words for all the support you have given me.


It is my understanding that you wrote a letter supporting my nomination as an Outstanding Faculty of the Year. I was so glad to have been honored with this title. I am deeply appreciative of your kind support. (in this regard)


Over the years, I have been very grateful to you for mentoring me in learning my second language.Your profound knowledge of English has helped me improve both my reading and writing. Again, thanks for all that I have learned from you.


Having asked you to keep an eye on my house during my one-month absence, I thank you for going above and beyond the call of duty in patrolling our neighborhood. We are so fortunate to have a police officer like you.

我要求你在我外出一個月期間,請你注意一下我的房子。我謝謝你超過工作範圍在我們鄰近巡邏。我們有像你這樣的警官,太幸運了。 (to go above and beyond = to do more)

Just a hasty note to thank you for your complimentary mention of my books in your article in last Sunday's newspaper. Earning your favorable evaluation makes me as happy as my publisher.(will be)


During the time of my difficulties, your selflessness, thoughtfulness and kind assistance show me a whole new world of loving, giving and fun. You have made my life brighter and more meaningful.


I am grateful to you for co-hosting a luncheon for the Chinese delegation. You have taken much of the pressure of planning the event off my shoulders.


Having a baby shower for me was such a thrill that I don't know how to thank you adequately for your kindness and thoughtfulness.

你為我舉辦一項嬰兒送禮會,實在是件令人興奮的事。我不知如何謝謝你的好意和關心才好。(baby shower 或bridal shower 都由好友主辦,不能由自己的媽媽或姐妹主辦 )


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