

(2010-01-05 06:59:08) 下一個

As a researcher at this college, Mr. A proved to be well above average in competence and professionalism. He always provided more than what might be expected of him.


Students evaluated Mr. A as an outstanding teacher and role model who fostered critical thinking and inspired students to excel in the discipline.


As a leader in the student government and a very efficient class president, his ideas and energies for projects seem inexhaustible.


Working as student counselor for fine years, I can say that no previous SGA president has come close to his leadership ability.


Since Miss A enrolled in our accelerated academic program, she has excelled. There is no challenge too difficult for her to accomplish in a short period of time.


It is obvious to anyone who looks at her transcript that Miss A is an outstanding student. Ranking first in her class is surely no small accomplishment.


Mr. A has achieved straight A’s for three years while taking courses with one of the most challenging curricula offered.


As a graduate student, Mr. B has secured two grants for his researches. He was recently named to the scholars list for obtaining a 4.0 GPA during the fall semester.


In my class, I found Miss B to be a model student. Her work was of a consistently high quality. She regularly participated in class discussion and was never afraid to ask questions.


When I think about Mr. A, immediately the words “outstanding” and “extraordinary” come to my mind. He entered our university as a freshman and has demonstrated as a mature and responsible young man, superior scholastic achievement and leadership qualities.


Currently serving as math teacher, Miss A has brought her expertise in this field and has made a distinct contribution to our school.


He has distinguished himself in several school and community organizations both scholastically oriented as well as extracurricular. Another milestone in his accomplishment was that he represented our school for the International Student conference in London.


He received accolades from students for his classroom teaching and for the interest and support he showed them. He continues to do a good job, accepting new teaching assignments graciously.


Mr. A has brought a rich breadth and depth of expertise to his classes. He fosters growth and responsibility in his students' learning.


Her teaching evaluations are among the most laudatory in this department. She currently has three research articles in press.


Because of his expertise in lab organization and safety, Mr. B was invited to instruct in several workshops. He has assisted science teachers and served as a high school science advisor.


Through his research, Mr. A has acquired a good reputation in the field of food science. He also has an extensive list of lecturing activities in which he participates on and off campus.


His students view him as an excellent teacher who always does his best to help them. Many of those students comment on the great amount to be learned in his classes.



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