
Life isn't about having the best of everything.It's about making

nice card preceptor in a small southern town

(2010-01-12 18:42:01) 下一個
I don't understand why as a cardiologist with different looking and non-white immigrant, Dr. J would 在這個南方小鎮開了個個人心髒門疹. People here is very conservative and full of bias.

一天in clinic, A female patient 流著眼淚, before she left. The nurse working there secretly asked me if he (Dr. J) touched her chest. I was angry at this superficial nurse------ and sad for Dr. J. He is such great gentleman, doctor and boss.

Dr. J had been practising medicine as an internist in Parkistan for more than ten years before he came to states. He then matched to a community residency program, and completed the cardiology fellowship in a universty program. He told me his young brother went back to Parkistan after completion of his radiology training in states. He, however, chose to stay in USA for the better future of his kids.  Sounds very familiar?:)))   He is very pround of his son who excells in school. However, life does not always goes in the way we like.

On my last day working for him, he asked me if he could ask me some questions about American medical school application. Of course, I would be happy to share my experience, just don't know why he needs to know this kind of informaton. Surprisingly, he asked me about my GPA before medical school. I wasn't very comfortable with this questions. But, I can tell that he was unease. 

His daughter is not doing well in college. Dr. J wished her daughter to go to medicine, but was concerned about her low GPA. I shareed all my experience with him and ask her daughter to email me if she has any more question. Personally, I don't know if medicine is a great chioce for her if she struggles with school in college. The study load for the first two years of medical school  is very heavy.  I gave him all the resource I had and hope thing will work out for them.

Dr. J said his wife wanted him to work in university. However, he likes the independence after practising here for 8 years. It must be rough at the beginning, I guessed.  He agreed. He learned English by talking to people whenever he could, in the elevator, in the hallway. I am amazed he is so fluent at dictation now.

Dr. J is a very nice doc,  great father and hard -working immigrant, deserveing respect from his patients and employee.
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