
身為炎黃子孫, 我時常關注中國周邊環境安全, 特別注意中印邊界爭端. 為此不時進入一些阿三網站, 看看他們到底在議論些什麽; 情緒激憤之時也忍不住拍案而起, 與一些阿三針鋒相對. 孫子兵法雲: 知己知彼,百戰百勝.我認為華人同胞應該關注祖國安危, 因此擬將

傳媒觀察: 關注中印邊界爭端

(2009-11-02 01:06:13) 下一個
身為炎黃子孫, 我時常關注中國周邊環境安全, 特別注意中印邊界爭端. 為此不時進入一些阿三網站, 看看他們到底在議論些什麽; 情緒激憤之時也忍不住拍案而起, 與一些阿三針鋒相對. 孫子兵法雲: 知己知彼,百戰百勝.我認為華人同胞應該關注祖國安危, 因此擬將一些所見所聞奉上供諸君參考.


October 28, 2009 02:16 PM

CHINA can't even touch India....Because INDIA already a Super-Power in more advanced Military technologies than China.....

It's fair to say CHINA lagging behind many military hardware and especially software... but India has more advanced supplied by western nations like USA and France.


October 28, 2009 01:28 PM

Border conflicts with China are only going to increase in the coming years. With a large population and a growing economy there's going to be a natural "manifest destiny" civil unrest. I won't be surprised when they start claiming South America as ancient Chinese property due to it all being connected in a state called "Pangaea".


October 29, 2009 12:39 AM

India has been purposely increasing the tension on the border with China. What is its purpose? a war to destroy itself? a revenge for 1962 defeat? Indian government should think of its foreign policy twice why it wants to fight neighbours to please some remote superpower in order to get an imagenary benefit. If India keeps on such a stupid mentality it can only destroy itself.

China enemy no. 2 of India
by rani suri on Oct 09, 2009 02:53 PM  | Hide replies

Ofcourse the govt will always play down chinese agression but we the people have a longer memory of what happened in 1962. Secondly, the cheap chinese exports to India is hurting our industry and we must BAN CHINESE GOODS.

Tibet is the integral part of India
by Abhi Bhat on Oct 09, 2009 06:38 AM  | Hide replies

Tibet is the integral part of India.
So kaagress is the wife of india, who is paid servant of china, and who openly sleeps with usa, flirts with uk, has secret affair with swiss bank, ignores sister nepal, plays with pak, sells off the foster child Tibet, and cooks poor Indians for its dinner.

Re: Re: TG
by some one on Oct 31, 2009 11:03 PM

There is no chance for India to recover territories from hina, but if India uses nuclear weapons on a large scale then it can get back Occupied Kashmir and also defeat Pakistan finally and end the terrorist attacks on Indians.

Indians will need will power to fight their enemy and conqueror them. They already have the physical capacity but not the will to do it.

Indians if they wake up can once again get their self respect and reasonable safety.

If they do not do so however, then India will gradually turn into an inferior to its more aggressive neighbours. Even the physical advantage it has over Pakistan at this moment is not going to be permanent as modern warfare technology equalizes natural features.

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