
California traffic ticket fines (01/06/2010)

(2010-01-27 11:40:03) 下一個

California traffic ticket fines, they don't make sense relatively, but indicate that the state looks at these fines as revenue, not as a deterrent
Traffic Tickets Fines (01/06/2010)

Failure to notify DMV of address change within 10 days..................................... $214

Failure to provide evidence of financial responsibility (insurance) ....................$796

Failure to stop at a red signal. ..................................$436
Failure to stop at a stop sign. ....................................$214

Unsafe Speed, 1 to 15 miles over the limit.................$214
Unsafe Speed, 16 to 25 miles over the limit...............$328

Passing a school bus with flashing red signals............$616

Drive using wireless phone not hands free, First offense ....................$148

Drive using wireless phone not hands free, For each subsequent offense. ...............$256

Drive while wireless device to send, read or write text.........................$148

Minor drive using wireless phone.....................................$148

Parking in a bus loading area ...................$976

Violation of disabled parking provisions, first offense................$976

Violation of disabled parking provisions, second offense...............................$1876

Unlawful material on vehicle windows...........................$178

Adequate muffler required ................................$178

Mandatory use of seat belts...............................$148

Mandatory use of child passenger restraints.....................$436

Headsets/Earplugs over both ears.....................$178

Motorcycle safety helmet requirements.......................................$178

No evidence of current registration...................................................$256

link from: http://justacarguy.blogspot.com/2010/01/traffic-tickets-fines-01062010.html#ixzz0dkULWrXr

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