拆到上次的麽樣,就隻好等著電工和水工先把電線和vent pipes改路.好在兩組人聯結得還算好,一星期的時間裏就搞定了.因為電工報價的合理,加上自己沒有時間去研究本地的electric code(can be very complicated),決定把全部電工包給這家專業的電工公司.事實證明這個決定是非常正確的.雖然以前在國內大學裏還上過電工課,實際上kitchen對電工的要求很多.譬如range, frig, microwave都需要decicated line directly from the box. What kind of outlets need to have ground protection. How far apart outlets should be from each other. etc.etc. 前後電工活需要兩個電工兩個整天的時間.包工包料加上electric main upgrade $2300. 如果誰決定自己做contractor的話,一定要至少要3個estimate,然後negotiate against each other. 最初電工的報價是$2800.
Plumbing也是一樣的.兩個vent需要reroute.決定get ride of existing baseboard heating and replacing with toekick heater. 這兩項也是需要專業人士.如果把廚房全部水工都外包的話,大概需要$2500 - $3000. 隻是上邊兩項的話隻要$1300.加上對自己還有點信心,就決定自己做一部分.水工師傅人很好,給了很多有用的建議和指導.
Wall A

A few points worth noting here:
1. Notice that closet is completely gone after electric wires rerouted.
2. reframed partition wall- old one was in poor condition, IMPORTANT - need to go back to cabinet design, figure out cabinet size and add blocking as needed
3. also notice the 4-inch cast iron vent pipe was cut and extension now going straight out to roof (roof work too)
4. Notice new electric wires and outlet boxes
Wall B

1. old hood vent outlet patched up and insulation added
2. 2-inch galvanized vent pipe cut and extension now going straight, similar to Wall A, now 42-inch cabinets can go to ceiling
3. Plumbing: changed galvanized pipe to PVC, cut cold/hot water supply line and cap (had to learn soldiering copper pipes on the fly)
4. Also new electric wires
Closer look at the pipes:

Floor: need careful study on what to use. Will explain in details later. Here added 3/8 plywood exterior grade, screw into wood plank subfloor.

Ceiling: before and after patch up

Walls: hang dry wall, spackle, and a layer of primer. Cutting opennings for outlets needs some careful measurement.

To be continued.