

The Sound Of Silence

(2011-08-02 11:16:36) 下一個

The Sound Of Silence (寂靜之聲)

The Sound Of Silence 是保羅.西蒙和加芬克爾創作並演唱的歌曲,倆人多次合作,多次獲獎,在六十至七十年代的流行樂壇上曾名噪一時,被認為是男聲二重唱的黃金搭檔

搖滾樂的激情與鄉村民謠質樸相結合, 1966The Sound Of Silence 榮登美國排行榜冠軍. 吉他演奏,旋律優美飄緩,歌詞亦真亦幻,細細聽來如一個年輕人用他那彷徨無助的心靈在喧鬧的空氣中訴說著茫然與憂鬱,充滿著深沉與懷舊。又仿佛看到一個懵懂無知的女孩,獨自一人行走在鋪著鵝卵石的狹窄、清冷的小巷裏,喧囂的人群在她身後漸漸遠去,前麵是沒有盡頭的黑夜……

 兩年後, The Sound Of Silence 被用作奧斯卡獲獎電影《畢業生》的主題曲,頗能反映入世不深的大學生的心境,歌曲再一次廣為流傳。

The Sound Of Silence 歌詞本身就是一首絕妙的詩;  

     The sound of silence-Simon & Garfunkel 寂靜之聲

  Hello darkness my old friend.嘿,黑夜啊,我的老友。

  I've come to talk with you again.我又來找你聊天了。

  Because a vision softly creeping.因為有個幻影輕輕爬進來。

  Left its seeds while I was sleeping.趁我熟睡時暗暗播下了種子。

  And the vision that was planted in my brain.使這個幻影深植入我腦海中。

  Still remains.縈繞盤旋不去。

  Within the sound of silence ! 在寂靜無聲的此刻!

  In restless dreams I walk alone.在無數不平靜的夢中我煢煢獨行。

  Narrow streets of cobble stone.行走在鵝卵石鋪成狹窄街道上。

  Neath the halo of a street lamp.頭頂上街燈的光暈將我籠罩。

  I turned my collar to the cold and damp.我豎起衣領以抗禦這濕冷的夜。

  When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light.當我的眼睛為刺眼的霓虹燈閃爍所迷時。

  That split the night.霓虹燈的閃爍也劃破了夜空。

  And touched the sound of silence.打破了黑夜的沉靜。

  And in the naked night I saw.在無遮燈照耀下我看到-

  Ten thousand people maybe more.人頭攢動

  People talking without speaking.有的人在說著無聊的話語。

  People hearing without listening.有的人在漫不經心的聽著別人說。

  People writing songs that voices never share.有的人在寫著那些從不會被傳唱的歌。

  And no one dare.但沒有人敢於去-

  Disturb the sound of silence.打破這份靜默。

  Fools said I you do not know.我說道:愚蠢的人啊,你們不知道

  Silence like a cancer grows.靜默會像癌細胞那樣擴散。

  Hear my words that I might teach you.聽我的話,我才能教導你。

  Take my arms that I might reach you.抓緊我的手,我才能救你。

  But my words like silent rain-drops fell.但是我的話卻如寂靜無聲的雨點落下。

  And echoed in the wells of silence.徒然回響在沉靜的井裏。

  And the people bow and prayed.人們仍然頂禮膜拜著。

  To the neon God they made.自己塑造的霓虹燈神(文明)。

  And the sign flash out its warning.霓虹燈(文明)以它閃爍的文字顯出其預兆。

  In the words that it was forming.(文明)警告的話語漸漸成型。

  And the sign said "The words of the prophets.預兆顯示:先知的話語

  Are written the subway walls & tenement halls.已被寫在地鐵的牆上以及出租公寓的走廊上。

  And whispered in the sounds of silence.也在無聲的靜默中被輕聲傳送。