

(2013-11-10 14:27:30) 下一個

1. 瑪格南大師David Alan Harvey的訪談,他說“take the photo and focus after”,哈哈!


2. 一個參加了另一個瑪格南大師Constantine Manos的workshop寫的心得:

I had just returned from Nepal and India, and was quite full of myself...and super proud of the portraits of sadhus and Nepali women that I displayed to the group and for Costa's critique.

He took his time looking at my photographs, and probably seeing I was getting a little anxious, he told me something I have never forgotten:

"Your pictures are technically fine, but they're too simple...I want you to bring me complicated pictures; pictures that tell stories; pictures that I can look at for a long time..."

If there's only one piece of advice that guided my photographs since 2000, it was this. And it was then I began trying to complicate my photographs, to complicate my compositions. and to try to insert and build layers upon layers in them. Sometimes I succeed...and sometimes I fail. Most of the time, it falls somewhere in the middle....but I never forgot Costa's advice.

我想這就是糖水和非糖水的區別之一,糖水--技術完美,但是太簡單沒“故事”,不能look at for a long time。。。


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