縱然平行2011-07-10 16:08:09回複悄悄話
From the photo, it seems that one of your eyes shows the color of hazel/brown and the other pale emerald green. Which means you might have heterochromia iridum. Check with your doc to see if you’d need a karyotyping test. :))
Apparently, intensified walking during past months has indeed shown positive impacts on you, reversing supposed trend and bearing some tangible fruits already. Congregations!
Keep up with your good work and stick with your workout routines and don’t forget your secrete/silent chanting as well. I bet more rewards may be on your way. :)
I wish , most men would agree, one day medical researches would be able to reach to an advanced level so that ladies can stay “forever young” relatively, or at least to preserve youth, beauty, gracefulness and elegance for much much long time. Well, before that happens, you guys have to take the matter into your own hands or feet for that matter.
暴走堅持得很好,謝謝鼓勵; 不過,沒能把運動時間改在清晨,試了兩次,很難調整。所以,一直是晚飯後出去。走一小時,非常輕鬆,有時會走二小時~~ 如你所言,希望我們都能走得健康走得年輕!
photoshop裏麵的diffuse glow.
Apparently, intensified walking during past months has indeed shown positive impacts on you, reversing supposed trend and bearing some tangible fruits already. Congregations!
Keep up with your good work and stick with your workout routines and don’t forget your secrete/silent chanting as well. I bet more rewards may be on your way. :)
I wish , most men would agree, one day medical researches would be able to reach to an advanced level so that ladies can stay “forever young” relatively, or at least to preserve youth, beauty, gracefulness and elegance for much much long time. Well, before that happens, you guys have to take the matter into your own hands or feet for that matter.