
徘徊於理性與現實的曠野裏, 生存於東方與西方的交界麵。


(2005-08-01 15:18:05) 下一個

炒股一般是3種方式,長線,短線,DAYTRADING。 今天我要講的是DAYTRADING。 如若你要捕兔子,與其你口幹舌燥,疲憊不堪到處溜達找兔子,還不如在兔子經常出沒的地方隱蔽起來,一旦兔子出現,一舉殲滅。炒股票也是這個道理,與其你天天東一棒子西一錘,天天賠大賺小,還不如天天盯住個股,不管你浪還是稍,一旦機會來臨,狠狠一下DAYTRADING,這樣一年10萬-50萬利潤並不是天方夜譚。通常來講,從長短線角度來講判斷股票漲勢容易,但是判斷一天之內能漲多少就不容易了,但是從DAYTRADING角度來講,漲跌幅度是比較容易判斷的。尤其是跌的幅度。一個股票漲5塊錢需要3-5天或更長的時間,但是要跌起來跌5塊也許隻許20分鍾 - 2 個小時。 所以我喜歡大筆資金SHORT(一天之內) 我經常一天之內SHORT 1000 - 5000 股,往往能在一天之內賺取1000 - 25000 的利潤。但是這樣的機會不是天天都有,怎麽辦? 辦法就是 等! 藏起來,陰起來,
機會一來狠狠下手。 當然我也經常賺差價。我作的股票都在20 元以上,漲跌幅巨大的股 MAGS 除外。因為這些股票存在著曆史規律,因此你能較容易判斷高低位,判斷機會何時到來,一天之內較容易抓住 1 - 5 元的利潤。我的炒股方式是少量資金作長線,決大部分資金作DAYTRADING,你把資金放在長短線上,等了5天 - 一個月,有了5 - 10元的利潤,而我喜歡等到這漲勢最後時刻,僅用20分鍾 - 一天的時間賺取暴跌帶來的巨大快感。 又安全,又快速,而且隻是一天之內資金比較危險,
但是你作長短線,你的資金卻要危險 5天 - 一個月。當然你要練習研究判斷的準確性,如若判斷錯誤,你會蒙受巨大損失,記住止損。我的判斷準確律為上下不超1塊錢.這就是我要講的隱藏起來,陰險的盯著,當你出現之時,那兔子大驚道:“ 我操!跟我玩陰噠!”。。。


(2)一定要有嚴格的止損。long position要止損,short position更要。

1. 從 http://finance.yahoo.com/mnpg?e=o 的排行榜上,每天都有一些股票飛漲,如果有心者可以仔細看各個股票在爆發前的3個月價量,W%R,RSI,一般能夠找到他們的共同點;

2. 從 http://finance.yahoo.com/mnpg?e=o 獲得個股名字,進入它們的Msg Board,你會看到許多人在討論其它類似個股票的前途,往往能夠找到一些將要發光的金子。例如在MAMA飛起來的那天,就有人提出了IFLUL,從IFUL裏,又有了CNVR。

3. Yahoo的stock screener中有個“High Volume”,如果你能找到一些高於平常幾倍vol的股票,通常他們在第二天爆發或上升或反轉。原則是:

To be a trader,

First,the stock market is a cruel place, the reason of the existance of this market is subject to the existance of traders at the most extent. No traders, No market. So if you want to survive in this place, you must know the game rule clearly before you go into it. If you accept it, then just do it; if not, I am sure you can find other places that may fit you much better.

Second, know yourself. I have to say that you should have some talent of gambling in your blood if you want to be a real good trader, that is a must. It is not simply that you like it or not, analyze yourself, especially after trading a certain period. Choose the best way you are fit for. The way to be rich is not only just by trading but also by investing, the latter is also fit for most people.

Third, make a critical rule, that is the only way to be survived in the traders world. At this point, I like what wshh said in his articles. The volatility of the market is far beyond your imagination sometimes, the only effective way to protect yourself is your rule. With regard to how to choose and make the fittable rule, what I can say here is that the rule comes from both the books and the experience.

Fourth, "Success is equal to 1% talent plus 99% hard-working". No enough homework, no rewards. Don't just try to get tips, no shortcut in the way to be rich (unless you were born to be rich, but unfortunately, most of us here don't belong to them). Read "The Reminiscence of a stock operator", you can get more about this from Mr. Livingston's experience.

Above are just some general information, hope not to waste too much your time. Of course if you can benefit from those words, that is what I really want to see.

Happy Trading! By the way, the market is in a reaction right now, if you are not a professional trader, stay away from it maybe a wise choice. According to my experience, during these time, most people lost their previous gains. Knowing when to relax is also a must for a trader-to-be.

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