
徘徊於理性與現實的曠野裏, 生存於東方與西方的交界麵。


(2005-07-22 07:30:07) 下一個




為人父母, 不是一件輕鬆的事情. 但看著自己的孩子, 健康快樂的成長, 又是每個父母的心願. 在陪伴孩子長大的過程中, 作為父母, 有幾件我們必須要做的事. 它可以幫助孩子們建立自尊和信心, 並且終身得益.


1. Connections. Feeling rooted gives children a foundation of security. Children need unconditional love from one or both parents and benefit when they have close ties to their extended family, feel part of their school, and help care for pets.


2. Play. Make sure your child's free time isn't too programmed and regimented. Open-ended play, in which children can invent scenarios and solve problems by themselves, helps them discover their talents and use their own resources.


3. Practice. When kids find out what they're good at, they'll want to do it again and again. But sometimes you may have to do some gentle nudging to ensure that your child sticks to an activity and experiences a sense of accomplishment.

4. Mastery. From practice comes mastery. When children achieve a skill -- whether it's learning to tie their shoes, play the piano, or build a birdhouse -- they're further motivated to tackle new challenges. And that leads to a can-do attitude.


5. Recognition. Approval and support from one's parents, teachers, and peers for a job well done reconnect children to the wider world. When kids think what they do affects their family, classmates, and team, they're more likely to exhibit moral behavior and, ultimately, to feel good about themselves.


Fortunately, one step leads naturally to the next and the cycle is self-perpetuated, explains Dr. Hallowell. You can lay the groundwork at an early age. Give your child these five key qualities, he says, and you will greatly increase her chances of leading a joyful, meaningful life.

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