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讓我們蕩起雙槳 小船兒推開波浪 海麵蕩漾著美麗的白塔 四周環繞著綠樹紅牆 小船兒輕輕 飄蕩在水中 迎麵吹來了涼爽的風 (smile here)
紅領巾迎著太陽 陽光灑在海麵上 水中魚兒望著我們 (oh, I see you. ) 俏俏的聽我們愉快的歌唱 (how about sing silently? can you hear?) 小船兒輕輕 飄蕩在水中 迎麵吹來了涼爽的風 ( I do feel it. Not only the chilly comfort, but also the smell. :)) 做完了一天的功課 (Whole day? Poor guy. However, it's time to enjoy!) 我們來盡情歡樂 我問你親愛的夥伴 (I remember your name. I do.) 誰給我們安排下 (don't tell me. let me think. it must be myself. got to be.) 幸福的生活 小船兒輕輕 飄蕩在水中 迎麵吹來了涼爽的風 (welcome. be my friend. :))![]()