  • 博客訪問:

誰贏了愛荷華民意調查? 看美國主流媒體如何誤導

(2011-08-16 06:26:46) 下一個


Ron Paul 在上星期六的IOWA州共和黨初選的民意調查中獲得了第二名(4671 votes),和獲得第一名的明尼蘇達州眾議員Michele Bachman 4823 votes)僅差一百多票。按理,媒體應該用最大篇幅報道這個“茶黨”的勝利。因為,Michele Bachman 被媒體稱為“茶黨”的女王,但是,Ron Paul 才是“茶黨”的教父和大腦。近年來“茶黨”運動所呼籲的,要求的,都是Ron Paul 幾十年來堅持和不懈宣傳,播下的種。Michele Bachman 雖然一直在嚴厲批評奧巴馬政府的政策,但她自己所主張的原則和政策,也是積極維持現狀和一些從Ron Paul 那裏“借”來的觀點 。隻有Ron Paul 經過幾十年的不懈努力,堅持原則,在美國大政府腐敗橫行,和華爾街勾結,欺騙,使美國經濟陷入崩潰局麵的今天,才使大眾真正認識到了他的價值。但是,被利益集團收買的主流媒體們,采取一貫的手段,來漠視他的存在,繼續邊緣化這個“正氣,骨氣尚存”的真正的草根領袖,企圖繼續維持現狀,維護他們自己和他們主子的利益。

Jon Stewart 的晚間節目,就是利用喜劇形式對這些媒體進行了無情的諷刺。讓我們再次認識了這個“民主”製度下的所謂的自由媒體,是如何對大眾進行誤導。

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閱讀 ()評論 (14)
lucy_001 回複 悄悄話 謝謝起時戳穿主流媒體的謊言。有位善於觀察的人在愛荷華共和黨初選的民意調查後說:

Pawlenty 是個好人,可惜也是個標準政客。
Bachman 是個能幹的騙子。
Ron Paul 是個你能托孤的人。

這話說到了我的心坎上了。我會盡力支持 Ron Paul 2012 的競選, 也請有心人關注8/20( Ron Paul 的生日)的 競選募捐, 謝謝。
lynie2003 回複 悄悄話 雖然不能說支持RON PAUL的所有觀點,但是他確實是一直堅持想法而沒有朝三暮四為了選票妥協的人。記得2008年7月,因為西藏問題美國眾議會投票表決譴責中國政府違反人權,他是唯一一個投了反對票的(400多支持,1票反對)。為此我對他抱有一份敬意。
起時 回複 悄悄話 回複mehaa的評論:
thank you very much! you are doing the right thing.
起時 回複 悄悄話 回複lucy_001的評論:
I have that book, and I read quite a lot from Mises institute, my point is that people can always make change to whatever system they bulit, especially over long period of time, generation after generation, so there is no system that would last forever.
lucy_001 回複 悄悄話 起時, Murray Rothbard has found a better system, though I cannot be sure he was the first one. May I recommend "Democracy the God that Failed" by Hans-Hermann Hoppe? You may also like some articles at www.lewrockwell.com and www.mises.org. Thank you for your contribution to wenxue city. I've enjoyed your work.
武勝 回複 悄悄話 Paul是政壇異數,由他來和奧巴馬對決比較有意思。別看奧巴馬現在民意下降,如果弄個Romney或Bachman之輩出來,我看共和黨還是省省吧。
youli 回複 悄悄話 哇 ! 大部份是英文。(連我的筆名也是英文)
起時 回複 悄悄話 回複by水滴的評論:
I'm already dispointed by the "democracy" system, but can human find a better system?
mehaa 回複 悄悄話 Dr. Paul has got my vote, well--my family's votes. It's just so disturbing to see that even today still there are so many people out there buying the propaganda of MSM.I am not so bullish that Dr. Paul will be elected, you simply can not underestimate the stupidity of the massive zombies.
by水滴 回複 悄悄話 when the history scroll unfold in front of us day by day, Dr. Paul is like a knife to poke through the democratic veil to help us to see through what is behind.

I am very interested to see how "innocent" the votors are and how much the voters' brain can be washed. If Dr. Paul is not elected, I will be quite dissapointed at the so called "democracy" system.
起時 回複 悄悄話 回複lucy_001的評論:
lucy_001 回複 悄悄話 Very amusing!

Would you please change the location from Ohio to Iowa? Thanks.