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海龜張首晟並不是楊振寧的弟子 (revised)

(2018-12-17 11:47:41) 下一個



First of all, I would like to extend my deepest appreciation to my advisor, Peter van Nieuwenhuizen, a teacher, a great physicist and a gentleman, whose patient guidance and crystal clear lectures I have benefited a great deal from, whose perfectionistic style I should follow, and whose enthusiasm in quest for the higher truth set goals I shall aspire.
Almost as important is the influence of Steve Kivelson, whose physical intuition has been most inspiring for me. His creativity is deeply admired and his friendship sincerely valued.
My special gratitude extends to C. N. Yang. The beauty of the laws of physics revealed to me in a lecture he delivered in Shanghai set me the determination of devoting my life as a physicist at the age of fifteen, and I was most fortunate to become a Ph.D. student in the institute under his directorship. Through our conversations and his lectures, I have not only learned a great deal of physics from him, but I have also learned to recognize the true value of physics. I thank him for his most unique advice


所以在中文語境,連白紙黑字的楊振寧後繼理論物理研究所所長的博士學生都可以張冠李戴。記者隻要隨便查一查,就可以獲得這些確切消息。當然國內人用不了Google,真實信息對很多人是奢侈。當然也有或者是所有官方媒體要的並不是真相,而是官方和領導需要的宣傳。比如得諾貝爾獎的女婿還有如今有個得諾貝爾獎的兒子也讓中國人可以有自豪感。如今離諾貝爾獎最近的人卻去搞投資,而且還不是個成功的投資家。其實何必製造什麽神話,隻要做好自己喜歡做的就是對未來學子最大的榜樣示範和激勵。可惜靠謊言撐起的神話,最終支撐不了多久。再厚的牛皮都是可以吹破的,因為吹的大道不能再大,大到不合情理和無論人文還是物理都不能實現的超人神話。既要當諾貝爾獎又要當warren Buffett. 可惜人不是神,不是萬能的上帝。也許上帝也救不了貪得無厭的追求,隻是這次傷害了個一個滿懷熱忱一個真正學有所成的天才。

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