

(2010-05-14 08:00:04) 下一個
這本小書,是我現在大三的兒子寫的。高中全A,大學全獎的經驗,他通過五年的tutoring,已經言傳身教幫助了很多人。我也常被周圍家長問到,如何幫助孩子成功度過高中,申請到理想的大學,特別是如何像我兒子一樣申請到全額獎學金的問題。有時候我覺得這本小書某種意義上,也是兒子寫給我的,也是寫給像我這樣的家長的, 關心卻沒有把握,有時或常常感到無措,無處下手準備。我把它推薦給大家,希望對你的孩子,對你都能有所幫助。

High School Success and College Application (Paperback) 高中成功和大學申請

The book is most useful for students in 8th grade through the beginning of 12th grade (and their parents). Most students and parents will be able to read the book in one or two sittings (about 80 pages) and get a solid understanding of what needs to be done to be successful in high school and when applying to colleges. Multiple reads are recommended to maximize retention and comprehension. The author attends college on full merit scholarship, graduated high school with straight A's, and has over five years of tutoring experience. He explains many fundamental strategies in this book. Topics include class selection, grade point average, test skills, attitude, extracurricular activities, honors, awards, recommendation letters, essays, interviews, and college applications. Straight forward and concise, this book details the essentials you need to achieve your goals. Use it to make the most of your high school experience and gain acceptance to a great college! The author's site: http://www.highschoolcollege.com/


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