滿倉叔這幾天在紐約視察,住在長島納蘇郡海邊的度假屋,昨晚他推開房門,望著天上的月亮,一邊嚼著杏花樓的月餅,一邊嘴裏喃喃的自言自語:這月亮咋沒俺家鄉的月亮亮啊。第二天他在車上問導遊,這導遊是個美國白人小夥子。滿倉叔問:I saw the moon in America was not so bright and round as the one in China last night. 白人小夥子笑著回答:Because the moon is very snobbish . 滿倉問:why? 白人小夥答:When she found out that Chinese people had been wealthy , she turned her face to China , accordingly her butt was facing to America at that time. 滿倉滿意的點點頭。美國小夥接著說:Therefore The moon in China is more round and bright than that in America nowadays. 滿倉怕大夥兒聽不懂,便翻譯道:我問美國小夥,我昨天看到美國的月亮沒有中國的月亮亮。這位美國小夥子是這樣回答的:因為月亮也非常勢利,她看到中國人富了,就把臉朝向中國把屁股對向美國,所以中國的月亮比美國的圓又亮......。車上的人聽了,立刻哄車大笑。滿倉也覺得憋在心裏那麽多年的悶氣一下全排泄了。滿倉心想,月是故鄉明,不管走到哪裏,隻有心中的那輪明月才是最圓最亮的......。