"I found a solution to Global Warming"
www.MichaelCBlog.com America is called a melting pot for a very good reason. America is indeed melting, like the rest of the world as we know it. It's like a train heading to a broken bridge on a cliff. So far what the governments around the world have come up with is to slow down its acceleration slightly, instead of decelerating or stopping it completely. For more than 10 years they are constantly arguing about who should be responsible more for the warming, who should be paying for slowing down the acceleration, and who should do it first. It's like we are all dying a slow death here and all the government can say is "let's slow it down a tiny bit." It also feels like we are being cooked by our own fire. All the government can do is to TALK about slowing down the speed of adding more oil to the fire. And they even haven't started that, yet.
They are doing all the talking in the name of growth. Growth is the very thing that got us here at the first place. For God's sake, stop adding oil to the fire. Is there an English word for "slowing down the acceleration?" That must be a funny and bad word.
In stead of waiting for the government solution, I found a great way to cool off this weekend. See the pictures yourself. It's a win-win solution for Global Warming. Joking aside, it's just as good as any of the government's ideas thus far.
(1) "SOB, you are right. It's really hot."

(2) "My red neck is a living prove for Global Warming."

(3) "Global Warming? I didn't do it."

(4) "Life is too short and Earth is too big to worry about that."

(5) "I won't do anything about it until Al Gore lives in an apartment and never flies on a private jet, again."

(6) "Carbon dioxide is not a problem. Plants love it."

(7) "Ladies, you are hotter than Global Warming!"

(8) "Global Warming is caused by the Sun, vacanos, and other natural stuff. You can't do a thing about it."

(9) "Ocean will absorb all the carbon dioxide we make."

(10) "Shhhh, didn't the English climatologist cheat?"

(11) "A new ice age is coming. It's going to compensate Global Warming."

(12) "Uh-oh, is there any way to slow down my acceleration?"

(13) "That is the last thing on the back of my mind."

(14) "They used mathmatical modeling to prove Global Warming. LOL."

(15) "Earth is so big, human so small. We'll never mess it up no matter what we do."

(16) "It's all China's fault."

(17) "It's all American's fault."

(18) "How about all human being's fault?"

(19) "Why can't I feel anything about it?"

(20) "Don't worry. Carbon dioxide is such a minute amount in the atmosphere."

(21) "You guys got rich by producing so much carbon dioxide. Now I want to do the same but you are claiming Global Warming? Are you kidding me? It's not fair!"

(22) "I don't want to do it until you pay me first."

(23) "Relax. It won't happen for another ten thousand years."

(24) "I am sure scientists can find a cure for the problem."

(25) "Biosphere engineering will work. We'll just put up a giant AC for Earth."

(26) "Hehe, let's pray that Global Warming will just go away by itself."

(27) "Why does he stay under water? He is tired of listening to you."

(28) "We don't need to do much about it because our per capital emission is still very low."

(29) "Enjoy it while we can."

(30) "We'll reduce carbon dioxide emission only if the rich countries suck all the carbon dioxide they emitted in the last 100 years back out of the atmosphere first."

(31) "I am rich enough and don't need to worry about it."

(32) "I am too young. I don't know what you are talking about."

(33) "I am too old to understand it. I am sure my grand kids will understand it."

(34) "Global warming? What global warming?"
Sorry for the misleading title. I hope you get a good laugh at it. To read more serious stuff about Global Warming, please visit my blog www.MichaelCBlog.com.
You may find an answer to all the questions above:
地球變暖 :(二)反對地球變暖的十大論點 (Notes: Canon water-proof PowerShot D10 digital camera. No PS. Only BS)
Thanks for your comment. Sorry that you found one of the pics offensive. I have replaced it. Nothing intentional. Keep in mind that most of the shots were made virtually on the water surface with very low angle and a crowded pool.