Without the right attitude, golf can be a sport of "frustration." We may spent a great deal of time and energy without seeing the results. We might have done great last week but only to find that our swing is somehow missing this week. If we care too much about the results, it can be frustrating quickly and all the time. What I learned is that we have to enjoy the process of playing golf more than the results, especially the process of learning how to improve ourselves gradually.
I found that photography can make golf more enjoyable. It distracts our focus on the results. I can record the beautiful scenary and the good time we spend on a golf course. Sometime later, when I show the photos to my golf buddies, they are all happily surprised to see them. I can also let those who don't play golf to see the kind of work we do on the weekends.
Perhaps this group of photos will illustrate my point well.
(1)苦行者。My golf buddy hard at work.

(2)精心者。He was sharply focused on making that putt.

(3)描呀描。This scene is like a comic to show how serious we are on a golf course.

(4)練習場. The practice range is...

(5)也是球場的一部分。練好了,才可以出成績。just as important as the golf course to spend time on....

(6)晨練。夠辛苦了。even in the very early morning.

(7)甜水俱樂部的大牌子. Street sign for Sweetwater Country Club at night.

(8)入口處的裝飾建築。A decorative structure on the entry to our Country Club



(11)Nightview of Sweetwater Country Club

(12)都是為了進這個洞。為啥不把這個洞作大點呢?How come they can't make this hole larger?





該去打球了。Now go enjoy your game!