
MichaelC (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

夏威夷:Honolulu, Hawaii

(2009-08-19 07:02:07) 下一個


(1) The first tour we did was aboard this All'l Kai boat for dinner, show, and a scenic ride around the island. Dancers greeting us before boarding.

(2) Night view of the Hawaii beach from the boat. I know this was a bad photo. The light was weak and the boat was moving. And my camera was not good enough. But I still remember the scene and the music from the boat ride. You should try it when you visit Hawaii.

(3) The next day we went to the beach...

(4) And get onto the Atlantis submarine to see the under-water world

(5) It was an interesting ride

(6) But when we got out, we felt some sea sickness and do not recommend it.

(7) We went with a tourist group to drive around the island for sight-seeing

(8) The street scene. Anywhere in Hawaii looks better than Houston. :)

(9) The famous Hanauma bay (烏龍灣) where we learned how to snorkel for the first time. Seeing the view and what the people were doing from the top prompted us to decide to do it the next day.

(10) Another great location for snorkeling.








(18) We visited the Pearl Harbor. It was a very educational and sober tour. There were many Japanese tourists almost everywhere in Hawaii, but we saw none of them here. Oil stain from the sank boats


(20) The famous memorial

(21) Current warships can be seen from the harbor


(23) City view of Honolulu


(25) Hawaii has a Chinatown. Sun Zhongshan 孫中山used to live here. It was here when he was working as a waiter that he heard the revolution in 1911. That was the story I heard.

(26) Hawaii used to have a king - the only state that had that in USA. Does the King regret giving his kingdom away to US?

(27) That snorkeling excursion at Hanauma Bay. If you never tried snorkeling, I highly recommended. It's a wonderful experience to submerge into the water world, forgetting the real world.





(32) On our way to a culture park on the other side of the island. The park was organized by the Church of Moman. It was like an amusement park, but showing the cultures of the pacific islands.

(33) The "Hat" island


(37) On the way to the culture center, the driver pointed out the direction where 張學良was buried. It was quite some distance away from the main road. We didn't have time to visit. I feel sorry for him that he never returned to Dongbei after 1949.


(39) T-shirt designs in the shopping areas

(40) Colorful candle designs

(46) This one looks not too bad from today's point of view.


加州:Big Bear滑雪



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