
MichaelC (熱門博主)
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地中海12: 意大利Florence掃街

(2009-08-13 18:43:41) 下一個



地中海12: 意大利Florence掃街

Florence 有幾點出名。一是 Michaelangelo 的雕塑大作 David 的原作就收集在這個城市。聽說要排隊 3 個鍾頭才能看到,免了吧。在城中心的一個廣場裏有一個複製品,照照也就行了。二是市中心有很多博物館、教堂可參觀。我都沒有太多興趣。三是有一條河從城中穿過,河上有好幾座古樸的石橋。其中一座是很老的橋,據說是歐洲沒有被二次世界大戰毀掉的大橋之一。另一座橋上建有挺有特色的房子。這裏風景不錯,景色很像波士頓 MIT 附近,河裏也有人在練習多漿劃船。我沿著河慢慢地走呀走,拍呀拍。這就是我欣賞歐洲的方式。

(0) One of several stone bridges over the river that flows through the city.

(1) Narrow street is almost everywhere in European cities

(2) I doubt it was designed for automobiles.

(3) Colorful house on another bridge not too far from the first one.

(4) The bridge/house was a big attraction. The first floor of these houses were actually shops.

(5) Horse cart driver waiting for customers at the city square.

(6) Street performers (aka beggers). It cost me two euro for this pose and picture. Still I didn't get it focused enough on the face.

(7) Lovers on the street. I gave him a thumb-up after shooting the photo. He winked back.

(8) These were actually creative "beggers" or "street performers." They were probably students begging their way back to school. They moved a few steps, then suddenly stop and stay frozen for about 30 second. They attracted allot more onlookers than givers. Hey, we should try that sometimes at a tourist attraction. It would be daring and fun to do to see how the bystanders respond.

(10) Local police ladies

(11) Two American girls (judging by one of the shirts) enjoying ice cream while waiting for their mom finishing shopping

(12) Was she an American tourist? The focus on the hat was very sharp.

(13) She was very surprised and a little scared by the bus that almost hit her on this narrow street and sidewalk. She was looking back at her friends or relatives (NOT the photographer!)

(15) Beauty and the beast (I am talking about the bike and the bicycle)

(16) Oh, so relaxing...

(17) A tall worker from a Ferrari shop nearby, who dressed up in his company color.

(18) Do you need some interesting souvenir?

(19) A begger that did not dress like one

(21) Exercise under that famous bridge (this reminds me of the river near MIT campus)

(22) Sculpture is a big culture in European countries, which is also good for the birds.

(23) The name of this statue was "Victory or Triumph." I think it should be named "Naked Victory."

(24) The famous David. This was not the original. The original was about 1-2 miles away. His rear end looked better.

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    泉水 回複 悄悄話 拍得好!很意大利。

    “沿著河慢慢地走呀走,拍呀拍。這就是我欣賞歐洲的方式。”--- 不錯,歐洲有河流穿過的城市都很美,沿著萊茵河、多瑙河等可以欣賞到歐洲曆史文化的精華。